Object Type: Folder
In Folder: K faculty
Knox gives an overview of the establishment of George Whitfield College. Knox speaks on the importance of prayer. He gives examples of some of Jesus' prayers. 1. Our conduct must be shaped by God's holiness. 2. God is sovereign over our wills 3. What is the gospel? Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead. 4. God desires personal relationship Talk is followed by questions. Cassette label reads : "D.B. Knox First year occasional lecture Moore College 14-06-91"
Knox expounds Luke 12:5 1. The context - who is being spoken to 2. The genuine fear that Jesus is talking about 3. We all neglect the command to fear God 4. Why we should heed the warnings of scripture 5. Love v fear 6. Walking in the fear of the Lord 7. Responding in repentance Cassette label reads : "22.11.87 Morning prayer - Canon D.B. Knox Fear him"