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Davies, Glenn, Rev Dr

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: D

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Originally delivered 1991-04-18


Talks relating to 1 Thessalonians

Davies looks at discipline from Hebrews 12. He explains that because God loves us, he disciplines us. Davies explains that strict discipline leads to a growth in character, and that God's disciplining is there for our good. Davies stresses the importance of pursuing holiness. He encourages the students to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus as they may face may challenges in ministry.


Davies speaks on Matthew 19 and Genesis 2. He shows that all of scripture is God's authority, and how marriage is designed to function. He argues that you should be single or heterosexually married, although there may be some ambiguity because of being in a fallen world. He throws out homosexuality/intersex etc., Talk is in the lead-up to the postal survey on same-sex marriage.


Davies gives a summary of 1 Peter. He stresses that we as a church are a holy priesthood, and that there is no distinction between people within the church. He explores what sanctification means for us, and the challenge to live as God's chosen people.


Davies speaks on the topic of baptism, so that the audience can understand what it is. Baptism is a disciple-making activity. Davies compares John's repentance baptism to Jesus' promise baptism, and the baptism of the disciples as a disciple-making activity. Davies explores baptism in the Old Testament, including the reference to Noah's preaching to those who were rebuking the building of the ark, and the drinking from the rock and eating manna as spiritual food. He explains that Israel is feeding on Christ, in contrast to the Lord's supper. Davies shows from the same passage that baptism by itself does not save. Davies explores the role of baptism for children, and the importance of training children in the way of the Lord., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church 'Baptism' 30.6.02 p.m. Glenn Davies"


1Th 3, C 225 DAV


Davies explores the human tendency to blame others and justify ourselves. He explains that it was God who called Abraham, showing his grace, and it was Abraham's response to move to Canaan. Davies explains how covenants were made in the time of Abraham, and the giving of circumcision. He challenges them to consider the times when we seek to please God, other than by trusting. Davies explains that circumcision was a sign of faith, and a renewal of promise. He explores where the same concept of trusting and acting by faith in both the Old and New Testament. Davies challenges the audience to consider whether their actions are seeking God's glory or their own glory. He considers the times when we trust in ourselves, instead of God, and that we should be acting in response to trust. Davies examines the covenant of God walking between the dead animals, why he did this and that he did this for Abraham - if he falls into sin God will take the penalty of transgression. Davies shows that it is faith that matters., Cassette label reads : "Finishing strong - clearing the hurdles (Romans 4) Glenn Davies 2000 MKC-1 tape 952" Men's Convention


Glenn Davies discusses his trip to Tanzania in 2018.


C 253 DAV


Talks relating to Hebrews

Jhn 2:3-6, C 225 DAV


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