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In Folder: Thompson, Mark D., (Mark Donald), 1959-

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Thompson looks at equality, identity and unity in ministry. He explores how we should use those terms in the Bible, in society, and thus how they should be applied in ministry. Thompson particularly explores how this plays out in loving our neighbours. Discussion of the use of furniture in loving our neighbours. Questions throughout the talk. Detailed discussion of unity for God's glory, instead of insisting on sameness, and how changing the focus changing the discussion.

not after 3 August 2018

Thompson speaks on Matthew 24:15-35 and God's right to election. He shows how this shines against the blackness of the world. Thompson speaks of the destruction of Jerusaleum, the end of time, and that because of the elect the time will be shortened. He shows that God will not let any of the elect be lost. Thompson argues that this sets the tone for the last days, and that the distress is shortened because of the elect. Thompson speaks on the coming of the Son of Man.


Thompson speaks on hypocrisy from Matthew 23:13-19. He gives a definition and examples of hypocrisy. Thompson details the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the scribes, exploring appearing to spread the gospel, but actually building up ourselves. He shows that what comes out of the heart is more important than outward appearance., Talk delivered just after the start of the Ukrainian war.


Thompson speaks on the wonder of God's grace, and responding to it by faith.


Thompson warns against falling away from grace. He details what grace is. Tooher explores some ways that help us to be gracious.

not after 3 August 2018

Thompson looks at the different ways the Lord's Supper is treated. He looks at the role of both the Lord's Supper and Passover, in their biblical context, from Matthew 26:17-35. Thompson explores what the Passover points to, and how Jesus fulfills this. He shows that participating in the Lord's Supper is a strong way of remembering and participating in Christ's death. Thompson warns against making the Lord's Supper an idol, but as a way of physically acknowleding Christ's death.


Thompson speaks on Matthew 24:36-25:30. He explores how our lives are changed because we expect Jesus to return., even though we don't know when Jesus is coming. Thompson speaks on the parables of the wicked servant, the wise and foolish virgins, and the talents. Thompson stresses the importance of Jesus' delay, comparing the attitudes of the characters. He explains how these parables show the reality of Jesus' return, and the wisdom of how we use our time.


Thompson speaks on Matthew 23:1-12. He explores why there is repetition throughout the Bible.. Thompson explains when to listen to the scribes and Pharasiees, and not to follow their example. He warns his listeners against preaching for status, and reminds them that they are serving the people.


Thompson wonders at God's method of saving us through Christ's death in Matthew 26:1-16. He examines the responses of both the disciples and Jesus to the devotion of Jesus' anointing by valuable perfume.


Thompson speaks on judgement and that we must include God's judgement. He stresses that God's judgement will be the end of the world, and examines God's judgement. He looks at the passage in context of the earlier parables 1. The judge - all God's promises are fulfilled in Jesus. 2. The nature of the judgement - everyone will be there, and there will be a deliberate separation, where everything is already decided. 3. The outcome of the judgement - the way we treat others, especially other believers, is a demonstration of our love for Christ. He explores the extent of the judgement.


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