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Katoomba Youth Convention

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Katoomba Christian Convention

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Smith looks at the link between relationships and death. He explores the impact of broken relationships on our lives, and thus our view of sex. Smith speaks on the importance of long-term relationships instead of casual relationships. He shows the importance of thinking through when looking for a marriage partner. Smith looks at the damage of using sex outside of marriage., Second half fainter. Cassette label reads : "John Smith The God of sex"


Smith speaks on stess and burnout, brought about by life being tough. He explains that no-one can avoid this. Smith looks at the type of people who are attracted to and involved in youth work. Smith looks at the temptations that face leaders, including letting people do what they want because it is too hard to do otherwise. He stresses that we all need support from others. Smith looks at biblical examples from Exodus that show how to bear the load. Smith shows that burn-out can be learned from and overcome., Cassette label reads : "John Smith Youth leader burnout"


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