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Play advertising the 1985 conference, done from the devil's perspective., Reel box label reads : "Master tape for A.F.E.S. 1985 A/V (Sue Woolridge NSWIT)"


Question time following an unidentified event., Speaker is very soft

not after 2018

Recordings of Jungle Doctor., Reel label is blank


Speaker explores Colossians 3 and Ephesians 5, detailing the phrases 'in the Lord', 'be subject to' and 'love your wives'. He stresses the importance of mutually solving problems., Box label reads : "Series XXI Colossians tape 7 Side 1 : Relationships : Husband and wife 3:18-19 Side 2: Employer-employee 3:22-4:1", All Souls Church, London


Speaker expounds Colossians 4:2-6. He shows that non-believers can be sensitive, but that they must accept Christ. He thus argues that we must not view non-believers judgementally, or it will turn people away. Speaker shows that we need to pray for opportunities to share Christ, and that God will give us the words to speak. He examines how we communicate the gospel., Box label reads : "Series XXI Colossians tape 8 Side 1 : relationships : non-Christians 4:2-6 Side 2: In the fellowship 4:7-8", All Souls Church, London


Speaker explores the practical outworking of our resurrection in Jesus. He looks at some practical examples, especially between parents and children, including adult children., Box label reads : "Series XXI Colossians tape 6 Side 1 Christ at the centre Side 2 Relationships : Parent and child 3:20-21", All Souls Church, London


Speaker expounds the Parable of the Good Samaritian. He looks at the motivation of the lawyer, and Jesus' technique of not answering questions of reaching these motivations. Speaker explores the meaning behind the text, including the way God deals with man in sin to offer salvation. He looks at how people respond to the offer of salvation. Speaker shows that we must respond in both faith and obedience., Reel label reads : "Hippocrates and beyond Rev. Ronald Winton"


Speaker examines 1 Kings. He looks at the promise made to Solomon, and Solomon's response is to rule as God wants. 2. You can not seek your own glory through God. Speaker explains that it is important to spend time with the word of God, and that it is only through the word of God that we can live our lives to the full. He challenges the listeners to consider what they really want to do with their lives, and what resources they need to do it, and whether they have consulted with God. Speaker shows that relying on yourself rather than God is empty., Cassette label reads :


Speaker examines different philosophies, including looking for satisfaction in yourself and finding satisfaction in service, and that this is a question of motive, as self can be at the centre of both. Speaker applies this in life - friendship, exams, and sport. Speaker shows that if we don't expect/take for granted the way God has blessed us, then we will be more thankful., Reel box reads : "Dr Howard Guinness farewell service St Barnabas 28.2.71"


Speaker explores 2 Peter 3:17-18. She looks at where we find out security. She looks at some of the lies that can threaten us.


Speaker explores coming into ministry from 1 Corithinans 10, where Israel is used as an example. He expounds the actions of Ancient Israel to look at the downward steps that call people out of ministry. Speaker looks at Paul's confidence in Christ which enables ministry, and has made us sufficient for ministry., Reel label reads : "7.3 Side 1" Reel box label reads : "2nd meeting"


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