Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Principals
1. Why should we be interested in the fall of Jerusalem? 2. Why is Obadiah even in the bible? 3. We can only relate to God as God, regardless of nationality 4. The destruction of Edom 5. Things we can see from Obadiah : 1. God is in charge 2. God keeps his promises 3. God saves through judgement 4. God is working through history
Opening of the Broughton Knox preaching center. Jensen speaks on how the building has been able to become a reality. Goodhew opens the building Originally delivered 1994-04-09
Jensen speaks on John 15 at the opening service. Jensen looks at the role of prayer in Christian ministry. He looks at the imagery of the vine and the branches, and the warning against the branches. Jensen shows that we are sustained between by the Lord Jesus Christ, and not by morality. He must be working in our lives. The conditions are : 1. We must abide in Christ - to trust Jesus, and to seek from his hand the fruit we should be growing. 2. God's word must abide in us Obedience must be worked out in love, especially towards other believers. We all need to pray in and about ministry
Jensen speaks on Romans 8:18-ff. That which threatens our lives and our faith - how will we survive? 1. Three groans 2. The power of God 3. The inseperables
Jensen looks at how Matthew 28:1-10 challenges both naturalists and animists. Jensen looks at the details of the resurrection account, and how this challenges both the naturalist and animist. He looks at how the bible is different to these two philosophies. Originally delivered 1999-05-25