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Thomas examines Philippians 3:7ff. He looks at John 14 to support Philippians 3, in order to stress that Jesus is the truth and is the only one who brings freedom. Thomas stresses that if Christ had not faced the hour of his death, his life would have been in vain. He shows that we can not be right with God via the law or works, and that Christ's sinlessness also highlight our sins. Thomas explains that the purpose of Christ's sinlessness is what allowed him to die for our sins. He shows that Christ was credited with our sin, which allowed it to be judged, and for him to credit us with his righteousness., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas NZ Grain of Wheat 1 and 2" Box label reads : "Grain of wheat 1 and 2"

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Thomas explores Christ's promise that if we are seeking him, we will find him. He stresses that we must heed God's warning of judgement, and that we must act upon this. Thomas shows that the key components are judgement, mercy and faith, and that these are also present in the law., Reel to reel label reads : Box label reads :

Thomas shows that God takes over, not taking sides., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'Jehoshaphat" Box label reads : "1. Major Ian Thomas Jehoshaphat 2. Part 2"

Ting expounds Psalm 46, exploring the concept of refuge. He explores the assurance that God is our refuge, strength, and ever-present help in trouble. Ting highlights passages that show God as our refuge and strength., Cassette label reads : "Our fortress - Psalm 46 John Ting 2002 KEC tape 1161"


Ting speaks on graduates from a Singapore theological college, and the differences between effective and ineffective graduates : 1. Skills to communicate and relating to people 2. Having a sound Biblical worldview 3. Godly maturity and wisdom 4. Spiritual thirst and hunger 5. Servant spirit and shepherd heart Ting looks at Moses as servant of God 1. Moses chose to be ill-treated among the people of God, giving up the treasures of Egypt 2. How quickly the people were to forget God's actions in salvation, and instead to grumble 3. The people question God's integrity and Moses makes intercession 4. Moses' exclusion from the promise land Ting gives application : 1. Our service does not put God in obligation to us 2. Perserve in service even when people grumble 3. Persevere even when it seems like God is against you, Cassette label reads : "Moses - the servant (Numbers 14:10-20, 20:6-12) John Ting 1999 KEC tape 893


Ting examines the relationship between Paul and the Corinthians, and Paul's tone in his writing. He looks at why the Corinthians might not take Paul seriously, and why Paul challenges the Corinthians' thinking. Ting looks at Paul's motivation and decision to refuse financial assistance. Ting explores Paul's willingness to give up his culture for the spread of the gospel. He looks at being generous with our time without seeking payment. Ting examines Paul's use of language, and how radical it was to not seek status, but rather to see himself as a servant., Cassette label reads : "Paul - the servant (1 Corinthians 9:1-22) John Ting 1999 KEC tape 894"


Ting speaks on the psalmist's desire for God and God's house in Psalms 42 and 43. He looks at the contrasts in the Psalms. Ting tells a story from a man who came to Christ in prision. He looks at the psalmist's thirst for God, and what people put in place of God in this thirst. Ting warns about Satan's back-door schemes, or appearing as an angel. He shows that re-directing our priority to outward activities takes away from thirsting for God, but that we need to thirst for him., Cassette label reads : "Thirsting for God - Psalm 84 John Ting 2002 KEC tape 1163"


Ting expounds Luke 9:46-. He looks at Jesus' teaching on greatness, and greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven. Ting contrasts this to the worldview, exploring the practical ways Jesus lived this out. He focuses especially on the Son of Man becoming a servant, and the importance of being servants of one another. Ting gives practical examples of when leaders do and don't serve as servants, and the temptation to serve in order to gain recognition, instead as faithful servants of God. He explains that just as Jesus became nothing, we too should expect to be nothing., Cassette label reads : "Jesus - the servant (Mark 9:33-37. 10:35-45) John Ting 1999 KEC tape 895"


Ting explores the experience of spiritual dryness. He stresses the importance of remembering the Lord in our times of dryness, examining the psalmists' discussion with himself, reminding himself of God. Ting looks at the symptoms experienced by the psalmist. Ting challenges the stigma around depression, and shares some of his experiences. He shows that depression does not necessarily mean spiritual depression. Ting stresses the value of anto-depressant medication., White noise throughout. Cassette label reads : "Christians and depression - Psalm 42-43 John Ting 2002 KEC tape 1160"


Ting explores David's adultery in 2 Kings 12. He speaks on David taking responsibility for his own sin, but that we try to pass the responsibility and blame on others. Ting examines David's desire for a new heart and a renewed spirit. He shows that David can identify with us because he is also a wounded healer., Cassette label reads : "Cleanse me - Psalm 51 John Ting 2002 KEC"


Windsor stresses the need to keep the gospel a priority. He shows that focusing on other things, especially ourselves, make it easy to lose sight of the gospel. Windsor shows that our identity must be in Christ, because only here will our identities endure. Windsor examines how God works through the unexpected and the least. He expounds Paul's boast in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, as both salvation and ministry are both undeserved, and that this is all by God's grace., Cassette label reads : "Human identity…who we are (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) Paul Windsor 2000 KEC Tape 977"


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