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Radio program Encounter exploring Christian outreach of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) at universities, particularly the Evanglical Union at Sydney University. Includes the history of AFES. Discussion of Christian staff workers., Cassette label reads: "Encounter ABC Radio AFES 23/2/86 Christians at University".






Note on cassette: 40th anniversary of Donald's ordination


Service held at St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney


Loane speaks on Matthew 24:3. He speaks on Jesus' desire to make his name known, and that this cause has been left to us. Loane reflects on the evangelisation of the world within the post-war generation, and that missionary work/evangelism is more difficult than originally thought. He stresses that we still have the same responsibility to evangelise., Reel box reads : "S School '73 Tape 7"


Loane speaks on Hebrews 12:1-2 and how we must run the race. He explores the need for both discipline and direction in running the race that God has marked out for servants of the Gospel. He stresses that we must shed anything that weighs us down, even if it is not clearly sin.


Loane speaks specifically on the revival in East Africa, and he key text for the revival - 1 John 1:7. He looks at what it means to be in fellowship with one another and Christ. Loane explores the effect of the revival on men, and that this was brought by men walking in the light. Loane explores the meaning of walking in the light, and why we are scared to walk in the light., Reel box reads : "1972 S-S #7 Communion addresses A/Bishop Loane Bishop Stanway"


Loane speaks on the topic of prayer. He listed the occassions where prayer is unique to Luke. Loane explains his wrestles with the prayer book as a student. He looks at the context of the Lord's Prayer in both Matthew and Luke, with special attention to what it means for God to be our father.


Loane speaks on Mark 14. He explores the theology in some of the hymns which have sustained the passing of time.


Loane speaks on John 14:6 - "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". He addresses the importance of making important and difficult choices when following the way. Loane shows how Jesus is the guide to life, as he is the truth. He shows that Jesus is the goal to life, as he is the life. He stresses the claim that the only way to the Father is through Christ.


Loane speaks on Ephesians 2 and 3. Loane looks at the structure of Paul's writing, including it's circular nature. Loane details the Jewish desire to keep their dislike towards the Gentiles unless they practised Jewish customs. Loane explores Paul's testimony in Ephesians, and Paul's understanding that Jew and Gentile are both saved through Christ. Loane looks at the value of the gospel, and that it was given as a gift in line with God's glory., Reel label reads : "Loane Ephesians 3"


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