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Ovey looks at repentance and faith under the following headings: Recap The unrepentant Self-righteouesness and pride - in relation to God, and in relation to others Hypocrisy The repentant Humility Forgiveness and Justice Forgiveness and repentance Reflections Questions and Answers

Ovey looks at repentance and idolatry under the following headings: Repentance as recognition, Recognition of idolatry, Idolatry Idolatry as lie Idolatry as the sin Idolatry as worldview Idolatry as narrative Idolatry as addiction Idolatry as identity Idolatry as false identity Atheism Agnosticism and the God who can't Communicating idolatry This is followed by 3 questions.

Lecture exploring repentants and unrepentants in the accounts of feasts Luke and Acts.

Ovey looks at repentance and faith under the following headings: The relation of repentance and faith Repentance and Faith: Mutually independent Repentance and faith mutually connected : Election, Call, Regeneraton, Faith plus Repentence in some connection, Justification Faith and Repentance: Calvin on faith Calvin on Repentance Repentance and the forgiveness of sins Repentance as gift Repentance without faith : Inseperable. Faith-shaped repentance Repentance redefined for a theraputic culture Bart on repentance Bart's criticism of Calvin : 2 accounts of repentance An over-emphasis on vivavercartea Christ is the representative repentant Faith without repentance and pastoral implications Lack of self-understanding Lack of love towards God This is then followed by a question and answer period

Lecture exploring how repentance is for both Jews and Gentiles, including the repentance speeches in Luke and Acts. Ovey also explores repentance in some of Paul's letters, thus expounding repentance throughout the New Testament.

Short talk in the plenary sessions at the 2017 Priscilla and Aquila Conference







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