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Christ Church St Ives

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In Folder: Woodhouse, Rev Dr John

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Woodhouse gives a summary of the previous 5 questions in the series. Woodhouse looks at what happens to those who never hears the gospel. He explains that if people have not heard about Jesus are hopelessly lost. He looks at how people use this question as an excuse for themselves for not accepting Jesus. 1.Woodhouse explains that no matter what God does it will always be just because justice comes from him. 2. Our sense of justice is distorted. 3. Everyone deserves God's judgement 4. No-one deserves God's grace Romans 1:18-32


Woodhouse speaks on Jonah 1:17-2:10. He looks at what is meant by the sign of Jonah, and the comparison to Jesus. He returns to this sign at the end of the talk. Woodhouse explores the role and effect of the fish. He then expounds Jonah's prayer.


Jonah; Jon 1:1-16, Recording, Oral


Woodhouse speaks on Malachi 3:13-18. He gives an overview of the historical context, and then expounds the text under 3 headings : 1. The problem 2. The people 3. The answer


Woodhouse shares a testimony and compares this to the testimony of Epaphras. Woodhouse looks at the topic of being a 'complete' Christian, to introduce a series on Colossians. He shows that receiving Christ and continuing in him is what makes someone a 'complete' Christian.


Daniel; Dan 8, Recording, Oral


Daniel; Dan 7, Recording, Oral


2 Samuel; 2Sa 21-23, Recording, Oral


2 Samuel; 2Sa 19-20, Recording, Oral


Winter Series; Gen 2:15-25, Recording, Oral


2 Corinthians; 2Co 5:11-21, Recording, Oral


Exodus; Exo 1; Act 20:1-12, Recording, Oral


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