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Piggin looks at catholic spirituality. He shows that Christian spirituality is concerned with Christ. 1. Who are we talking about? 2. What the catholics have to say about Christ - focus on the divinty of Christ until the revival and translation of the mystics, extreme piety needed to reach God. 4. What piety looked like 5. The dwelling places Talk is followed by questions, Cassette label reads : "Roots of contemporary spirituality - catholic"


Interview panel with Narelle Jarrett, Stuart Robinson, Femi Barry Chant, on different types of spirituality, and true spirituality., Cassette label reads : "Monday evening forum with Kel Richards 28.9.92 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Adamopoulu speaks on church history throughout Europe, and how this led to orthodox spirituality. This includes the relationship between church and state., Cassette label reads : "Contemporary alternatives of spirituality orthodox - Br. T. Adamopoulu - 28.9.92 Robert Menzies College of Christian studies" Beginning of talk is missing. Sound quality is poor


Forbes looks at the different ways that the term 'spiritual warfare' is used, especially in Paul's letters. He looks at the challenges of understanding the passages which speak on this topic, and the importance of holding these passages in their biblical context. Forbes expounds the relevant passages, especially in 2 Corinthians., Cassette label reads : "Spiritual warfare : a critique of the Peretti model Chris Forbes 28.9.92 (2) Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies" Some distortion.


Forbes looks at the different ways that the term 'spiritual warfare' is used, and the impact of Peretti's novels on the understanding on this term., Cassette label reads : "Spiritual warfare : a critique of the Peretti model Chris Forbes 28.9.92 (1)


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