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1. Paul appeals to the Corinthians to change sides 2. Paul defends his position as the Corinthian's Apostle 3. Paul warns they are in real danger of being led astray, Cassette label reads : "Keith Birchley 2 Corinthians 10:1-11:15 Authority in Love 95043 AFES National Conference 1995" Box label reads : "Power in weakness 2 Corinthians Keith Birchley AFES National Conference January 1995"
Birchley speaks on 2 Corinthians 5:11-7:4, especially 5:14 as the crux of the chapter, commending the cross of Christ, and defending himself. Birchley shows that if human love is compelling, then Christ's love is so much stronger, making a sufficent sacrifice for the sins of the world. Birchley shows that it changes your point of view, and that it's inseparable from Christ's ambassador. Birchley explores our sinfulness., Cassette label reads : "Keith Birchley 2 Corinthians 5:11-7:4 Glory in shame (part 2) 95041 AFES National Conference 1995" Box label reads : "Power in weakness 2 Corinthians Keith Birchley AFES National Conference January 1995"
Birchley looks at how we deal with pain. He explores what it meant to be godly and worldly from 2 Corinthians. Birchley explores the Corinthian's biggest weakness, escatology, and that the Corinthian church is proud and able. God comforts Paul against all odds Paul doesn't want the Corinthians to be unashamed of the gospel or unaware of what comes alongside the gospel. Birchkey looks at the place of Christ, his relationship to God the Father, to the Corinthians, and to us., Cassette label reads : "Keith Birchley 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:13 Comfort in Affliction 95039 AFES National Conference 1995" Box label reads : "Power in weakness 2 Corinthians Keith Birchley AFES National Conference January 1995"
Birchley considers how the Corinthians look at Paul. Birchley explores how Paul defends his ministry to the Corinthians, including that they are the aroma of Christ, that the Corinthians are his letter of recommendation, and that Christ's covenant is supreme because it is permanent. Birchley explores the way the Spirit changes us and gives freedom in the New Covenant. Birchley reads and expounds passages from 2 Corinthians. Birchley challenges his audience to consider how the support Pauline ministers., Cassette label reads : "Keith Birchley 2 Corinthians 2:14-5:10 Glory in shame (part 1) 95040 AFES National Conference 1995" Box label reads : "Power in weakness 2 Corinthians Keith Birchley AFES National Conference January 1995"
Birchley explains what the Bible is, that it is God's autobiography, and that it should be read as God intended and that it is about Jesus/God. He gives tips for reading the Bible, and the ways people approach the Bible. Birchley explores grace and that it is the dominant feature in Paul's writing. He explores Paul's instruction to provide financial support as the Corinthians have promised to do this. Birchley stresses the importance of everyone working together on the same goal. He explores giving generously with our finances. Birchley explores the value of taking a gift from the Gentiles to the Jews which reflects the Gospel to break down barriers., Cassette label reads : "Keith Birchley 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15 Glory in shame (part 2) 95042 AFES National Conference 1995" Box label reads : "Power in weakness 2 Corinthians Keith Birchley AFES National Conference January 1995"
Birchley looks at the temptation to spurn power in weakness, both in the Corinthian church and in the 20th century. 2. Paul's ministry style is expressed over and against the pagan world. 3. The authentic spiritual life, including great restraint, great humility, great grace and great perserverance. Birchley explores church growth and evangelism, followed by personal growth., Cassette label reads : "Keith Birchley 2 Corinthians 11:16-12:10 Power in weakness 95044 AFES National Conference 1995" Box label reads : "Power in weakness 2 Corinthians Keith Birchley AFES National Conference January 1995"
Loane speaks on Hebrews 12:1-2 and how we must run the race. He explores the need for both discipline and direction in running the race that God has marked out for servants of the Gospel. He stresses that we must shed anything that weighs us down, even if it is not clearly sin.
Blocher answers questions from earlier talks. Blocher examines selections of human experiences, and seleted dualities. 1. Misery and royal descent 2. Sin affects the good creation of God which is not annihilated 3. Sin is in everyone 4. Humanity is an organised structure with a head Talk is followed by questions.