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McDonald speaks on Isaiah 65., Cassette label reads : "Crossroads @5 Isaiah 65:17 - 66:24 Dave McDonald 1 April 2001"
Ashton explains the importance of church services. He looks at the crisis of the Church of England, and that the church service is essential. Ashton looks at the relationship between the church and the word. He looks at Crammer's services. 1. Biblical 2. Accessible 3. Balanced/Common sense Ashton then explores how these principles should be applied to services. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "2001 E.F.A.C. meeting Katoomba Guest speaker Rev Mark Ashton ©2001"
Starr does a dramatic presentation on the reaction of the Shunammite woman from 2 Kings 4., Cassette label reads : "Soliloqy - Sarah Starr", Extreme challenge, the
Jarrett speaks on the raising of the Shunammite woman's son. Jarrett asks why there is even life, and answers this question from Hebrews. She then looks at why there is death, and that when sin is dealt with then so is death. She explores the temptation that Jesus faced, even on the cross, and why this was essential so that Jesus could make atonement., Cassette label reads : "Talk 4 Sunday Narelle and Ruth and Caro Narelle Jarrett" Cassette cover reads : "MAC ministry conference 2001 'the extreme challenge - faith' Masters 1. talk 2 (A) Talk 4 part 2 (B) 2. Talk 4 part 1 (A) Talk 3 (B) 3. Sarah Storrs (A) Mike Raiter (B), Extreme challenge, the
Jarrett speaks on sin. She recounts the events of the Exodus, and despite being saved Israel sinned in not putting confidence in God. Jarrett recounts and expounds Israel's doubt at the entry to the promised land. Jarrett stresses that the gospel must be combined with faith, otherwise it is useless to us. She shows that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, and that his sacrifice covers all sins, in comparison to the sacrificial systems which only covered sin done in ignorance. Jarrett shows that we must not grumble against God., Cassette label reads : "Talk 2 Saturday morning Narelle Jarrett" Cassette cover reads : "MAC ministry conference 2001 'the extreme challenge - faith' Masters 1. talk 2 (A) Talk 4 part 2 (B) 2. Talk 4 part 1 (A) Talk 3 (B) 3. Sarah Storrs (A) Mike Raiter (B) End of talk is distorted., Extreme challenge, the
Jarrett looks at grief, both good and bad. She explores the warning passages in Hebrews, where Israel's mistakes are recounted. Jarrett gives examples of the things in the world that reflect and shadow heaven. She encourages her audience to persevere. Jarrett shows that we can stand in the certainty of faith because Jesus has paid for everything. Jarrett looks at the faith of Abraham, and the Bible's testimony that they were saved by faith. Includes dramatic performances of Sarah and Rahab., Cassette label reads : "Talk 3 Sunday morning Narelle Jarrett" Cassette cover reads : "MAC ministry conference 2001 'the extreme challenge - faith' Masters 1. talk 2 (A) Talk 4 part 2 (B) 2. Talk 4 part 1 (A) Talk 3 (B) 3. Sarah Storrs (A) Mike Raiter (B) End of talk is missing., Extreme challenge, the
Raiter speaks on the claims of the Bible which society finds offensive, especially the exclusivity of the gospel. He explores tolerance, including it's history, and it's distance from the Bible. Raiter shows that we are known by God by his love, and that reason can not get us there, revelation does. Raiter explains that our values are not governed by tolerance, they are governed by love. He uses the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as an example, and to explore our cries for both mercy and justice. Raiter looks at how these themes are picked up in Hebrews. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "Mike Raiter Saturday night" Distortion throughout., Extreme challenge, the
Bridges stresses that we should find our joy in our union with Christ, and not in anything else. He shows that God is in control of all of our circumstances, and so we put all of our anxieties into his hands. Bridges examines why God allows anxieties. Bridges explores Paul's focus on others., Cassette label reads : "Jerry Bridges Philppians - Joy in All Circumstances of Christ 2001 Sydney Missionary and Bible College", Philippians - Joy in'
Bridges explores where we put our confidence, showing that salvation is by faith alone. He explains what Paul means to trust in works, and the strength of Paul's language to call his religious works as garbage. Bridges explores the dangers of trying to live by performance, and that we should be finding our joy in the righteousness of Christ., Cassette label reads : "Jerry Bridges Philppians - Joy in Righteousness of Christ 2001 Sydney Missionary and Bible College", Philippians - Joy in'
Bridges speaks on Philippians 2. He explores what it means to consider other better than ourselves. He examines Christ's humility, and then exhaltation., Cassette label reads : "Jerry Bridges Philppians - Joy in Prayer 2001 Sydney Missionary and Bible College", Philippians - Joy in'
Bridges examines the barriers to the advancement of the gospel, and how Paul's imprisonment asssited the gospel to overcome this. He shows that we must have God's priorities, and not have as much of a priority on what is happening in our personal lives., Cassette label reads : "Jerry Bridges Philppians - Joy in Adversity 2001 Sydney Missionary and Bible College", Philippians - Joy in'
1. Paul in prayer 2. Paul prays 3. Paul prays for thanksgiving 4. Paul prays with affection 5. Paul prays for spiritual maturity in mind for them, Cassette label reads : "Jerry Bridges Philppians - Joy in Prayer 2001 Sydney Missionary and Bible College" White noise throughout., Philippians - Joy in'