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Anthea speaks on how to find God, and that to find God we must know the real Jesus. She shows that it is impossible to work Jesus out, and that it must be revealed to us, including some specific examples from the New Testament. Anthea argues that Christianity is about a relationship with Christ., Cassette label reads : "Jesus the "Glutton and Drunkard" Anthea" Box label reads : "Matthew 8-13 Jesus - the adult series"
Athas looks at the things that women struggle with but are often not talked about, including speech, caring for family, using our time, and anger. Questions throughout the talk relating to each area or struggle.
Blanch gives an introductory talk on the book of Judges. He makes observations about the structure of Judges, the patterns throughout it and the major themes. Blanch explains the role of the judges within the covenant relationship between God and Israel. He explores the attractiveness of the Caananite worship, and how this is contrasted against the methods God uses to save his people., Cassette label reads : "Blanch Rom 9, 10"
Blanch speaks on the righteousness of God from Romans 1. He shows that the man of righteousness is the man of faith. Blanch explores the relationship between obedience and faith. Blanch explores Paul's arguments that all deserve God's wrath. Second half of tape has reocrding of the children's series 'Jungle Doctor' illustrating the meaning of being born again., Cassette label reads : "Blanch 1 Romans" Tape speed too fast.
Blanch examines the perspecive of God from Jeremiah 23. 1. The state of the nation Blanch explores the preaching of the false teachers, including where they get the false teaching from. 2. Judgement For the rulers, prophets and the nation. He highlights the prophesy of exile., Cassette label reads : "Blanch 5"
Blanch speaks on Romans 9-10, the rejection of the Jews and the salvation of the Gentiles. 1. Election depends on God's mercy 2. God also has the decision to harden hearts, to show his power 3. It is impossible to keep God's law, Cassette label reads : "Blanch Rom 9, 10"
Blanch speaks on Jeremiah 15. He explores the cost of following God. 1. A difficult ministry. Blanch looks at the challenges faced by Jeremiah. He stresses that we should follow the example of Jesus, and not that of Jeremiah., Cassette label reads : "Blanch 4"
Tice speaks on the parable of the lost sons from Luke 15. He challenges his audience to think about which of the sons they are. Tice explores the ways that both brothers are estranged from their father, what home is, and the need of both sons to repent and come home to God., Cassette label reads : "Jesus and his followers 'Seize the day' Mark 6:14-29 Rico Tice 'Where are you?' Luke 15:11-32 Rico Tice"
Tice explores the difference between a healthy conscience and a healthy mind, and the importance of a healthy conscience. He explores healing a conscience, especially when it is restless. Tice explores both the guilty and the hardened conscience., Cassette label reads : "Jesus and his followers 'Seize the day' Mark 6:14-29 Rico Tice 'Where are you?' Luke 15:11-32 Rico Tice"
Speaker shows that to preach to the heart you need a new heart, and thus must be in Christ. He shares his own preaching testimony., Sound is soft and jumpy.
Speaker explores the character of a godly woman, specifically a godly wife and mother. Both speakers look at key passages including Ephesians, Proverbs 31, 2 Timothy 5 and 1 Samuel 1:26-28., Cassette label reads : "Wives" Cassette case reads : "J. Russell"
Williamson explores what prayer is. She looks at passages relating to prayer throughout the Bible. Wiliamson discusses seemingly unanswered prayer, and persisting in prayer., Lots of white noise. Speaker is soft.