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Colson reflects on the two perspectives that God has given him to view the world. He reports that prison does not rehabilitate, and yet God is working amongst inmates. Colson stresses that we must be looking to change the hearts of inmates, otherwise prison is useless. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label and insert reads : "Colson"


Manchester expounds 1 Timothy 2:8-15, exploring the order that God has given to creation, especially between men and women within the church. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church The church of the living God 'A church that helps the gospel' 1 Timothy 2:8-15 Simon Manchester"


Oliver speaks on Ephesians 2. He shows that we start dead spiritually, and can contribute nothing to our salvation. Thus, we are all on the same level before God. Oliver explains the relationship between grace and works., Cassette label reads : "P. Oliver Eph. 2 1:10 starts part way in" Poor sound quality and white noise at the start.


Dave speaks on : 1. Spritual health 2. Psychological health 3. Relational sociological health 4, Physical health, White noise throughout. Cassette label reads : "John Smith Youth leader burnout"


Woodhouse speaks on the importance of having older Christian women in young women's lives. She shares her different ministry experiences. Tooher interviews Stephanie about her experiences of being discipled by older women. Talks are followed by questions., Moore Women talk.


Williamson explores what prayer is. She looks at passages relating to prayer throughout the Bible. Wiliamson discusses seemingly unanswered prayer, and persisting in prayer., Lots of white noise. Speaker is soft.


Young speaks on marriage and singleness, stressing that marriage is not a part of eternity. He explores what the Bible says about singleness from 1 Corinthians 7: 1. Singleness and eternity 2. Singleness and self-control 3. Implications, Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church Tmatters of the Heart 'On being single' Steve Young"


Yeo explores loss of emotional and mental ability which comes out of the blue. He stresses the importance of remaining salty, and of making other food palatable, and explores situations in the Bible where loss occurs., Cassette label reads : Death. John Yeo" White noise throughout. Sound drops out in the second half.


Words of thanks to Moore College. Alfred's vision for Uganda, particularly for Uganda Christian University and the Anglican Church in Uganda. He gives words from Romans 1 for encouragement, and shares his testimony.


Speaker explores the dilema of recognising who Jesus is or explaining his actions as being from the devil. He uses John the Baptist as an example. Speaker looks at a number of Psalms, and how they are fulfilled in Jesus. Speaker looks at Jesus being the cornerstone. Speaker looks at who David's Lord is in Psalm 2. Speaker compares how people responded to Jesus with how people responded to the prophets. He then compares what Jesus says with what the disciples say about the coming of the Kingdom of God. Speaker then shows that both focus on the resurrection, rather than the death. Speaker looks at what it means to be both king and priest. Speaker explains how Jesus perceives death in contrast to us.


Speaker looks at the doctrine of human nature from Psalm 8 and Psalm 14. He compares their view of human nature, where one is extremely postitive, and the other extremly negative. 1. The highest, most postitive view 2. The darkest, most negative view 3. The way forward, No CD


Speaker looks Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman from John 4:5. She explores the theme of water., Recording is hard to follow. Reel box note indecipherable. Possibly the name of the speaker.


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