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Calvin Conference




Centre for Christian Living event. Part 1 was given by David Hohne and part 2 was given by Tony Payne Hohne looks at the west's obession with self, dating it right back to Rene de Carte. He looks at the life of Bonhoeffer, where this intersected with the obsession of self, and how the reality of God is different. He explores what happens when self meets Christ, the importance of having Christ at the centre, and what happens when Christ meets the self. Session is followed by questions and answers.


Centre for Christian Living event. Part 1 was given by David Hohne and part 2 was given by Tony Payne


Centre for Christian Living event. Part 1 was given by David Hohne and part 2 was given by Tony Payne


Sermon preached in Moore College Chapel Hohne looks at 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. He shows that we all die, but that in order for God's promise to be fulfilled death must be defeated.


Sermon given at College Chapel -- 22/02/13



Sermon given at College Chapel -- 01/03/13


Sermon preached in Moore College Chapel Hohne speaks on the importance of being shaped by the gospel, rather than our mission field from Philippians 2. He explores why God forgives sin, including vindicating a place for his name.


Hohne speaks on the law from Romans 7:1-12, answering : 1. Isn't th elaw still authoritive? 2. Does the law cause evil?


Hohne explores the prologue of John's Gospel, from the perspective of Jesus' glory. Hohne examines the significance of God's name, including 'The Word' and 'Yahweh'. The cross is the point where the Father glorifies his name in his son. This is also a direct reference to the glory Jesus shares with the Father.


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