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Author or Date

Science and faith by Peter Jensen - on the relationship between science and faith, Real Life by Tara Farrugia - on a new church plant in Canley Heights, Pathway from Youthworks College to Moore by Andrew Buerger - on recognition of former training by Moore College to those studying at Youthworks, New congregation at Quakers Hill by Andrew Buerger, Strategy goes beyond 'minor tweaking' by Russell Powell - on funding, the role of the Archbishop and the local church in evangelism, Nelson to head north by north-west - on the appointment of Gary Nelson as Bishop of North West Australia, Cold welcome - on being a welcoming church, Sydney international by Andrew Robinson - on being a culturally diverse church instead of mono-cultural ones, A word's worth by Greg Anderson - on the power of words, Preparing teens for leadership - on the Leaders in Training conference, 2012-03-01/2012-03-31


Bishopscourt sold - on the sale of the Archbishop's residence, Bishopscourt, People's pantry by Anne Lim - on the response of churches to Anglicare's Mobile Community Pantry, Eastwood Mandarin launch, The ministry of culture by Judy Adamson - on overseas mission, Refugee reality - reflections shared by missionaries on the different ways church meet around the world, New start in the south-west - on the Greenfields church plant, Bathurst awaits orders - on the debt owed by the Diocese of Bathurst to the Commonwealth Bank, Communion disciplines The Episcopal Church - on the treatment of the USA church following their blessing of same-sex unions, Global persecution intensifies - on Open Doors World Watch list of persecution, Well schooled by Glenn Davies - on the benefits of attnding CMS Summer School, Forget me not by Nick Gilbert - on ministering to people with dementia, A World unknown by Greg Anderson - on the fourth world in Australia and fourth world mission, If I die before I Peter Orr - on death before the return of Christ, Reality bites by Raj Gupta - on the number of people identifying as irreligious, 2016-02-01/2016-02-28


Community chaplaincy gains momentum by Russell Powell, Bushfire aid continues by Judy Adamson, Conference works up a SWEAT - on the South-West Evangelism and Training Conference, Anglicare and Anglican Aid help link up asylum seeker ministries by Nick Gilbert, African leaders push back on same-sex report by Russell Powell, The privilege of care by Glenn Davies - on caring for victims of abuse and the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by Glenn Davies, Mind your language by Greg Anderson - on our use of jargon, both religious and from society, 2014-03-01/2014-03-31



Recording, Oral


Recording, Oral



Sermon given at College Chapel -- 25/05/13



Session 10 of SOT2012. "Proclamation" by Greg Anderson. Hosted by John Woodhouse. Includes short sermon on Psalm 117 by Archie Poulos.



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