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The creed's eternal truths by Peter Jensen, Parish relationships splits house - on amending the Parish Relationships Amendment Ordinance from 4 years to 2 years before a review of a minister, Money for greenfields sites by Andrew Buerger - on a levy to pay for new churches in new suburbs, Archbishop leaves the chair - on Peter Jensen's departure from Synod, Beach church on its feet by Andrew Buerger - on the vote to make Shoalhaven Heads a provisional parish, Nungalinya opens new crèche, Last words by Peter Jensen - Peter Jensen's final speech as Archbishop One Scripture, two testaments by George Athas - on our handing of the Bible, 2012-11-01/2012-11-30


Abstract reads : "While the suggestions on a structure of Ecclesiastes are myriad, where this solution differs is that it both follows the contours of others as well as forging new ground. Combining the suggestions of panelling or alternation with the search for keywords, the proposal in this thesis is that the structure of Ecclesiastes is one of alternating panels of first-person observation and collected wisdom, with the keyword of ראה (to see) giving structure to the observation panels. This thesis begins with an historical review of the attempts to find a structure of the centuries and the converging of those attempts into the current one. The second chapter investigates the use of ראה to give structure to the observation panels as a whole, but also the individual units of each panel. The third chapter looks at the wisdom collections which alternate with the observation panels and considers their relationship to the narration with which they alternate. The fourth and final chapter investigates the bookends and shows how they foreshadow and conclude the type of structure of the body of the book which is proposed in this structure. The goals of this thesis are to present a convincing structure of Ecclesiastes which will enable people to read the book according to the alternating genres of observation and wisdom and also to provide a common footing and even a common structural language for examining the other questions which dominate Ecclesiastes research today." Part One : The Past to the Present Part Two : The Observation Panels Part Three : The Wisdom Collections Part Four : The Book’s Bookends


Recording, Oral


Sermon given at College Chapel--02/06/11


Sermon given at Tuesday College Chapel


Sermon given at College Chapel -- 12/03/13



Originally delivered 2006-06-01


Sermon given at College Chapel Athas speaks on the covenantal relationship between Israel and Yahweh in Deuteronomy 6:1-9. He details the oneness of Yahweh's revelation, and how this affect's Israel's response to Yahweh. Athas explores the importance of loyalty in loving Yahweh, and how this affects life. He encourages his listeners to put their love of God into practise.


Recording, Oral




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