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Enclosing duplicate Letter of Credit for two hundred pounds in Broughton's favour.


Offers advice concerning Broughton's affair with the Bank of Australasia


Informing Broughton that he has written to the Bishop of Winchester regarding Broughton's provision in the Church.


Reports on proceedings of Christ Church [College] and mentions [St. James] College. Gives details of College curriculum and floor plan of chapel and states academic requirements of College. Examines Bible text and Pauline Chronology and the arrangement of the Epistles.


Expresses delight over birth of boy to Sarah. Expresses his opinion on Broughton's decision to relinquish his appointment as Curate at Bentley. Informs Broughton of people's reactions to the book which he wrote.


Refers to settlement of Life Policies and gives transcribed instructions regarding the policies.


Expresses disappointment that Broughton is leaving Salisbury and they were unable to meet. Informs Broughton that he is sending him some Sydney papers and letters and a note from General Darling.Reports on financial matters.


Gives instructions and advice concerning Boydell's farm. Reports on his efforts to rent government land on behalf of Boydell.


Reports on his safe arrival and news of his engagements including visit from General Darling.


Informs Boydell of his proposed visit and hopes to give a service in the church.


Writes concerning the affairs of Boydell's farm and finance. Advises on personal and family matters. Writes concerning Boydell's proposed meeting with W. Spence.


Gives Boydell advice regarding his farm and sheep and expresses concern regarding Boydell's financial situation. Reports on the completion of church near Boydell.


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