11 results after applying filter
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Pray for US crisis talks: Goodhew - on a call to prayer for talks in the US around the ordination of women, Ten years for multicultural ministry - on Ray Galea's first 10 years at Rooty Hill, First graduate at youth college - on the first graduate from Youthworks, Farewell, my Sydney family - final article from Harry Goodhew as archbishop, Wave of the future - on the beginning of the Bush Administration, Christians endure terror as Congo disintegrates, C of E faces sex change test, Egyptian relief for weary Sudanese, Which way to God? by Geoff Robson Youth ministry gets tough in the Macarthur, Breakfasts reach ’Gong’s city workers, Anglican Schools’ growth explodes on the South Coast, Second sight by Amy Butler - on the impact of television programs on children, School daze by Jeremy Halcrow - on school chaplaincy at Trinity Grammar, Who will wave the flag for boys? by Jeremy Halcrow - on the messaging to boys in children's television, Volume 07 number 02, 2001-03-01/2001-03-31
Debate on meaning of the cross, UK Government funds gay activists in Anglican church, New Archbishop’s primary goal must not be unity - on the primary goal and the role of unity, A church with open arms - on being a welcoming church, No Christian is a ‘foreigner’ - on the inclusiveness of church to all nations, Choosing life by Amy Butler - on how hard it is for women from low SES backgrounds to avoid abortion, Nowhere to go by Amy Butler - on asylum seekers, Vision splendid by Jeremy Halcrow - on the election of the next archbishop, Peter Jensen, Volume 07 number 04, 2001-05-01/2001-05-31
Christians divided over spanking law, Army of men gather to be God’s warriors - on Katoomba Men's Convention, Blue-collar work given a woman’s touch - on the appointment of Ruth Mahaffey to TAFE ministries, No quick-fix for crisis in US by Geoff Robson, Grief comes with remembering by Margaret Rodgers - on the way Australia responds to ANZAC Day and Easter, Two Thousand miles apart by Jeremy Halcrow - on the reconciliation process, Unnatural selection by James Murray - on the search for the next archbishop, Northern Sydney looks to new faces - on the establishement of A Special Ministries Task Force for Cross Cultural Ministries (CCM) and Rosemary Anderson starting ESL classes., Volume 07 number 03, 2001-04-01/2001-04-30
New era for church planting by Geoff Robson, Pakistani Christians ask missionaries to go, Our resurrection hope speaks to September 11 by Zac Veron, The rhythm of life by Kirk Patston - on whether we need music at church, The fundamental challenge by Peter Jensen - on his vision as Archbishop, Border control by Amy Butler - on Peter Jensen's critisicm of Australia’s bilateral policy towards the boat people., Volume 07 number 10, 2001-11-01/2001-11-30
Angels by Rev Michael Hill, Disabled still excluded from church mission by Amy Butler, The problem of growth by Jeremy Halcrow - on growth in Chinese Churches, Chinese and English-speakers must share resources to reach city by Stuart Robinson, Volume 08 number 10, 2002-11-01/2002-11-30
Muslim ‘boat people’ turn to Christ by Amy Butler, How to sell the Mission by Peter Jensen, NSW bishops call for godly alternative to embryo research, Iranian refugee finds Christ in detention, No doubt - m pray, preach and pastor - interview with Glenn Davies following his appointment as bishop to the Northern Region, Tradesmen nail TAPE students, September 11 can teach us about Easter by Scilla Harvey and Brian Rosner, Do not ring again by Peter Downey - on phones ringing during church, Volume 08 number 03, 2002-04-01/2002-04-30
Embiyo research won’t heal Graham by Amy Butler - on the ability and role of embryo research, Aspinall seeks Royal Commission on sex abuse, Days and nights of ‘sheer terror’ - on the Arab-Israeli conflict, As we are murdered the world looks away by Jeremy Halcrow - on the conflict in Sudan, MTS work in west Sydney - on MTS staffers including Kamal Weerackoon., The West needs you! - on population growth in the west, especially amongst the Chinese., We gave our embryos a chance to live by Amy Butler - on IVF, Christians are to blame for media blackout of God, Volume 08 number 04, 2002-05-01/2002-05-30
No borders for God’s protection by Amy Butler, Archbishop Williams to uphold ban on gay priests, Shouldn’t war be the last resort? By Margaret Rodgers, Seniors are neglected in church mission strategy by Dr Shareen Robinson, Craig Josling’s city vision: ‘We want 30,000 people sharing Christ with their workmates.” by Stuart Robinson - on the beginning of City Bible Forum, The day that changed the world by Jeremy Halcrow - on September 11, Sudanese Christians face terror attacks every day, Volume 08 number 08, 2002-09-01/2002-09-30
Untested treatments bring huge cost by Amy Butler - on stem cell research, Personal trials for detention centre’s Christian leader - on Curtin Detention Centre, NSW Govt definition of ‘spouse’ to include all de facto couples, Australian bishops distressed at gay ‘marriage’ decision by Jeremy Halcrow, Blessing of gay ‘marriages’ to go ahead in Canadian diocese by David Short, Sharia law used to intimidate Christians in Nigeria by Margaret Rodgers, When does media spin become lies? by Margaret Rodgers, Volume 08 number 07, 2002-08-01/2002-08-31
Christian bikers bring gospel to youth by Madeleine Collins - on outreach program 'Street Level', New course puts the Bible back on the menu - on the launch of 'Two Ways to live', No boundaries for ministry to our uni students - on the appointment of Richard Chin as AFES National Director, The heart of the missionary church by Amy Butler - on the place of ethics within a church, Volume 09 number 08, 2003-10-01/2003-10-31
Both NSW libs and Labor remain addicted to gambling by Amy Butler, New evangelist keen to see lives changed by Geoff Robson - on Rick Lewers move from Crossroads in Canberra to Evangelism Ministries in Sydney., Picking up the pieces in Bali by Geoff Robson - on the Bali bombings., More interest in training among women by Margaret Rodgers - on the number of women entering theological training, Princess’ positive response to plague by Amy Butler - on the AIDS situation in Zambia, Volume 09 number 01, 2003-02-01/2003-02-28