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Conyers looks at how we deal with sin, life patterns for dealing with sin, and then a panel discussion with concrete examples of dealing with sin. Conyers explores who we are and that we are sinners. He explores the need for both the Spirit and the Word to be at work to change us, as well as our willingness to change. Some discussion of the role of accountability partners. Talk is followed by questions and answers., Recorded during the open period between the two Sydney lockdowns of 2020/2021


Kuhn and Conyers answer some of the top questions asked at the previous event 'Dealing with sin' which they were unable to answer on the day.


Conyers speaks on the ongoing challenge of sin from Romans 5:12. He makes some opening comments about translation. Conyers examines this verse within the context of Genesis and the fall. Conyers shows that the world has no way of answering death when it comes, and that only Jesus offers hope and the defeat of sin. He explores the spread of sin.


Williamson looks at the four parts of Romans. 1. All people sin 2. Justification received by faith 3. We are given new life as God's children 4. Love one another as we wait


Conyers looks at how we deal with sin, life patterns for dealing with sin, and then a panel discussion with concrete examples of dealing with sin. Conyers explores who we are and that we are sinners. He explores the need for both the Spirit and the Word to be at work to change us, as well as our willingness to change. Some discussion of the role of accountability partners. Talk is followed by questions and answers. Recorded during the open period between the two Sydney lockdowns of 2020/2021


Kuhn and Conyers answer some of the top questions asked at the previous event 'Dealing with sin' which they were unable to answer on the day.


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