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Women in Ministry Conference


Authors explore the debate around same-sex marriage within the wider Anglican Church leadership. They consider the Biblical teaching, legality, theology and pastoral care. Authors also analyse the decisions made in New Zealand.




Davies speaks on worry from Philippians 4:6-9 1. By prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God 2. Pray with thanksgiving 3. Paul as an example for Christian living Originally delivered 1993-08-17


Full recording of community chapel with Archbishop Glenn Davies


Club 5


Davies looks at the promises given to Abraham, his place within the context of the Bible, the covenantal promises and his obedient response to God's grace. Davies looks at the way God makes his covenant with Abraham, suggesting that God is taking on Abraham's role as well as his own, including the curses. Davies explores circumcision, and Abraham's attitude. Session is followed by question and answers., Cassette label reads : "Glenn Davies 'covenant' - tape 2" Box label reads : "Glan Davis Studies in the covenant AFES teach-in 1985"


Davies explores God's covenant with David., Speaker is very faint.


Davies provides a systematic study of 'covenant', including : Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus., Cassette label reads : "Glenn Davies 'covenant' - tape 1" Box label reads : "Glan Davis Studies in the covenant AFES teach-in 1985"



Wogs for Christ dishes up another conference event by Nick Gilbert, All one in Christ - on everyone being saved by grace regardless of background, and viewing church like this, City churches to merge - on the amalgamation of Holy Trinity Garrison Church Millers Point and St Philip's York Street, Bishop Foord remembered by Russell Powell - on the life and memorial of Bishop Dudley Foord, Mission Areas thrive by Nick Gilbert - on churches who have been working together for the gospel, Indigenous college turns 40 by Nick Gilbert - on the 40th anniversary of Nungalinya College, Syria crisis deepens by David Mansfield, Discoveries by Glenn Davies - on his early days as Archbishop, A Muslim teaches us by Phillip Jensen - on the lack of need to perform works to be saved, and thus our faith does not always stand out in obvious ways, 2013-10-01/2013-10-31


New parishes to sound the gong in the 'Gong - on the establishment of new parishes in Woolongong, A man's home is Thurles Castle by Nick Gilbert - on expanding Anglican Retirement Village's services to assist seniors at risk of homelessness, Go ye therefore... to the internet by Tara Sing - on the launch of Matthias Media's website "", Edwards chosen as Bishop of North Sydney by Russell Powell - on the appointment of Chris Edwards as Bishop of North Sydney, Hard truths in report by Judy Adamson - on the challenges faced by families with severely disabled children, WA bishops reject same-sex moves, Advent hope by Glenn Davies - on the season of advent, O come,all ye faithful by Nick Gilbert - on what Christmas means and how it is experienced by assylum seekers and refugees, The complexity of ministry by Archie Poulos - on what is involved in ministry, and that at it's core is preaching, Is gambling a black-and-white issue? by David Mansfield, Sydney Anglican awarded by racing industry - on a believer working in the racing community, 2013-12-01/2013-12-31


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