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Peter Jensen and Egyptian-American Pastor Michael Yousseff, CD label reads : "Michael Yousseff and Peter Jensen"


Eve- the mother of all living



Jensen looks at who Eve was. He highlights both the differences and equality between Adam and Eve in Adam's song of joy. Jensen explores some of the challenging questions when thinking about Eve, including is she the mother of all living. Jensen looks at the ordering and disordering of creation, and that we are all supposed to be responsive to God in the way Eve was supposed to be responsive to Adam.


Jensen explores the speech of God, both what God has said as well as what God is still saying. This is otherwise known as the Doctrine of Revelation. He speaks on the changes of how we use language in general. Jensen stresses the power of God's word, as stressed in the bible. He explains our relationship between God and his word, and God's word and us. This is because it is a relational word. Jensen then examines the identity of Jesus. Jensen looks at the descriptions of 'image of God' and 'word of God'. He then details the understanding that Israel had for Jesus to be both God and man. Jensen provides a summary of what the bible is, and how we should approach it. Jensen looks at the challenges that arise when we think that the bible has errors in it, especially in not recognising that it is the word of God. It leads to no longer listening to it, and thus to stop listening to God. Jensen argues that God, as both man and God, satisfies the challenges created by language. Talk is followed by questions.


Jensen speaks on the importance of having rigorous moral principles, seen in the necessity for justice and guilt. He defines guilt as "unfinished moral business". Thus, Jensen shows why Jesus' life and death is important in light of judgement. Four of Jesus' titles are defined and explained. This is followed by the achievements of Jesus' death and resurrection. This is to demonstrate what life would be like if God came among us, based on Jesus' life and teaching. Jesus' death shapes the present time, as he works towards the fulfillment of his kingdom. Jesus rules the present by his word. He then details the role of the Spirit. Jensen then shows that peace is triumphant in Jesus. Jensen gives a summary of the talk, in Jesus' past, present and future. Talk is followed by questions.


The lecture series is summarised. Jensen explains that we are all in need of salvation, because we can not be saved by works righteousness. He gives a summary of the gospel, and streses that it is this word that saves. 1. God's word 2. Repentance 3. Baptism 4. New birth 5. Freedom 6. God's work in our lives between the ages 7. The church and the scriptures Talk is followed by questions


The Christian Faith series


The Christian Faith series



The Christian Faith series


The Christian Faith series


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