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Jensen speaks on Romans 5. He explores why this passage is tricky to understand. Jensen speaks on Paul's comparison of Adam infecting everyone with sin and Jesus infecting everyone with salvation., Cassette label reads : "NTE 2002 - Phillip Jensen Talk 3 - On being human 8-12-02 MASTER - From CD 72 mins" Box label reads : "On being human AFES National Training Event 2002 Philip Jensen and Michael Kwan 7/12/2002 - 11/12/2002"


Jensen speaks on Hebrews 2 and Psalm 8., Cassette label reads : "NTE 2002 - Phillip Jensen Talk 1 - On being human 7-12-02 MASTER - From CD 69 mins" Box label reads : "On being human AFES National Training Event 2002 Philip Jensen and Michael Kwan 7/12/2002 - 11/12/2002"


Jensen speaks on Colossians 1 under the following headings : As so The creature In the image The last Adam, Cassette label reads : "NTE 2002 - Phillip Jensen Talk 2 - On being human 8-12-02 MASTER - From CD 61 mins" Box label reads : "On being human AFES National Training Event 2002 Philip Jensen and Michael Kwan 7/12/2002 - 11/12/2002"


Jensen speaks on Ephesians 2:1-10., Cassette label reads : "NTE 2002 - Phillip Jensen Talk 5 - On being human 11-12-02 MASTER - From CD 58 mins" Box label reads : "On being human AFES National Training Event 2002 Philip Jensen and Michael Kwan 7/12/2002 - 11/12/2002"


Jensen speaks on Romans 1., Cassette label reads : "NTE 2002 - Phillip Jensen Talk 4 - On being human 10-12-02 MASTER - From CD 75 mins" Box label reads : "On being human AFES National Training Event 2002 Philip Jensen and Michael Kwan 7/12/2002 - 11/12/2002"


Jensen looks at the differences between the two Testaments, namely the law is written on our hearts, and we are moved to keep it. Jensen warns against those who both subtract and add to the gospel. He speaks on being emotionally moved, killing the past and living the future, including things that we need to change in our attitudes and expectations. Jensen stresses the need to do the will of the Father, such that we stand out as different to our contemporaries., Cassette label reads : "Col 3:1-17 Christ and the Present Phillip Jensen #4 AFES - NTE 8/12/99" Box label reads : "Focus tapes Christ among the gods AFES National Training Event 1999 Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin 5/12/1999 - 8/12/1999"


Jensen speaks on the topic of Christ among the gods from the topic Christ and Eternity using the text Colossians 1:15-23. Jensen summarises Colossians as 'Christ Jesus as Lord'. He explores what it means to be in the image of God, including Christ being there in the begininning. Jensen explores some of the problems of translations. Jensen looks at getting our purpose from our creator. Jensen looks at monotheism in the Bible., "Cassette label reads : ""Phillip Jensen Colossians 1:15-23 Christ and Eternity AFES - NTE 6/12/99"" Box label reads : ""Focus tapes Christ among the gods AFES National Training Event 1999 Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin 5/12/1999 - 8/12/1999"""


Jensen looks at Colossians 1:15-28. Jensen looks at the nature of death, in order to show that our life is dependant on God, that death is the opposite of life. Jensen shows that death is the wages for sin, and thus is abnormal. Jensen shows that Jesus has risen to be Christ, Lord, because his death was sufficient to pay for sin. He shows that people are not persuaded by the resurrection, and unerstanding the Old Testament first helps to understand that Jesus resurrection means the start of a general resurrection and the beginning of judgement., "Cassette label reads : ""Phillip Jensen Colossians 1:15-28 Christ and the Future AFES - NTE 7/12/99"" Box label reads : ""Focus tapes Christ among the gods AFES National Training Event 1999 Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin 5/12/1999 - 8/12/1999"""


Jensen speaks on the question 'What about evil?' from Colossians 2:8-15. He explores evil spirits in action in the world, that they are easier to believe in and that they are ruling this world. 1. They rule by deceit. 2. They rule by decay 3. They rule by religion Jensen looks at how peace is made, and encourages his listeners to continue in Christ, rather than return tho their former ways of living., "Cassette label reads : ""Phillip Jensen Colossians 2:8-15 Christ and the past AFES - NTE 5/12/99"" Box label reads : ""Focus tapes Christ among the gods AFES National Training Event 1999 Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin 5/12/1999 - 8/12/1999"""


Jensen looks at Daniel 10, 11 and 12. He explores spiritual beings, and different ways people view the world. He places Daniel in it's historical context., Second half of talk is missing.


National Training Event Question Time, Cassette label reads : "AFES NTE Question Time #1 and 2 Richard Chin and Phillip Jensen 4.12.1999 and 5.12.1999"


Jensen speaks on Acts 4:5-31. He explores how Paul spoke to those who conducted persecution, and that we should find our boldness in Christ. He stresses that we should pray for boldness.


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