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Note by Maisie Jones, (daughter), written in ink on the first page of journal. The note was probably written in the late 1960's prior to donating the papers to the college. Some newspaper clippings, notes, etc. were found interleaved at appropriate entries; these have been left in place. First recorded in June 1888, detailing events from Sunday 8th April, 1888, when Jones and Gracie were living at Port Arlington. Relates trip to Melbourne for final examinations and ordination (ordained 27th May, 1888). Notes receipt of letters, daily activities. Records Jones' appointment as priest to 'Tarnagulla', and the uproar this caused amongst his Port Arlington parishioners, who wanted to secede from their present parish and set up a new one with Jones as their priest. Includes a transcript of a report on the controversy, which appeared in the "Geelong Times", Saturday, 7th July, 1888. Left Port Arlington 16th July, 1888. Arrived in Tarnagulla 26th July, 1888. Entries proceed to 2nd December, 1888. Journal recommences 4th February, 1889. The entries for 1889 onward are much less regular, with large gaps between entries. 1889 entries record daily life at Tarnagulla and revolve mostly around Jones' parish work at Tarnagulla and Newbridge; services commenced, visits around the district (Newbridge, Tarnagulla, Faradale, Kangaroo Flat, Sandhurst, Inglewood, Golden Square, Marsh), callers received, 'womens meetings' (from 19th June, 1889 onward), 9th September, 1889 is the first reference to problems with Jones' throat. November 1889 entries include an account of a visit to Melbourne to consult a doctor about the condition, which was diagnosed as a growth in the throat. Returned to Port Arlington via. Kew. Last entry for 1889 made 22nd November, 1889. The entries for 1890 are extremely sparce and often undated, giving only the day of the week. Gives details of services preached and/ or attended and a record of visitors received and visits made around the parish. Jones notes his study of various bible chapters and secondary -works of theology but makes no comments and gives no-opinions on these. The journal ends at 29th August, 1890 with a pencil note that it is "continued page 1". However, entries for 9th December, 1890 -26th December, 1890 are included on four loose pages enclosed at the end of the volume.
A brief calendar record of events from January to December is followed by the titles for Prayer Meeting addresses held on Fridays in the College Chapel. The next page gives titles and Bible passages for sermons preached in the College Chapel throughout 1907, followed by a schedule of sermons preached in other churches and addresses and lectures given outside college. Following the above are a number of longer journal entries concerning the 'Katoomba Convention'. There are 18 single-sided pages of these entries covering Saturday, 12th January, 1907 to 25th January,1907 (the end of the convention) and including newspaper clippings about the convention. The next section of the volume is a collection of pasted-in clippings on various subjects and events; agendas, notices, speech notes (including a speech for the farewell Social for John Langley, who had became Bishop of Ballarat 26th February 1907), and some copies of letters sent by Jones. Some journal entries are interspersed. On page 53 is a 'memorandum of a meeting with Connelly, who came to see if Jones would allow himself to be nominated for the vacancy at St. Philip's. Clippings from the newspapers and Church magazines include several with reference to the Chatswood Convention (3rd June 1907). An account is given of a trip to Melbourne for 'the Convention in Chapter House' (5th Annual Church of England Convention), followed by a visit to Bendigo. The entries cover 1st July 1907 to 12 July 1907. Jones notes the visit of Mr. Inwood to the Sydney Convention 1st September, 1907-6th September, 1907. The final quarter of the volume is blank. 2 sheets of paper 20 x 12.5 cm is enclosed in the journal, being calendar/ journal entries dated April.2 - 8th and April 16 - 22 (the year is not noted). Letter to Grace Jones, 21st January, tipped in at page 38. Describes stay at Khandala, gives an account of a sermon given by Mr Breznew-Ball, the local Rector (late Curate to Carr-Smith). Letter to Grace Jones, 9th February, tipped in at page 42. Written when Jones was in Melbourne to preach at the consecration of Bishop Langley (Bishop of Bendigo). Letter to John Jones (Nathaniel's brother), 26th March 1907, tipped in at page 48. Gives an account of his summer vacation and plans to visit England in the near future. Letter to Dr and Mrs Mitchell, 26th March 1907, tipped in at page 48. A belated reply to a letter from Mrs. Mitchell dated 3rd June,1906. Recounts a rail journey which he and Gracie took into Queensland to spend Christmas with the Youngs at Fairymead, near Bundaberg, and describes the Youngs' sugar plantation and the work thereupon. Jones gives an account of the rest of his journeys during the vacation; Summer School in the Blue Mountains,the Katoomba Convention, Melbourne for the Consecration of Langley as Bishop of Bendigo. Discusses the education controversy in England (religious instruction) and gives an outline of the situation in Australia. Notes his plans to visit England in the coming summer.
Describes travel and activities undertaken by Jones on trips to Orange, N.S.W. and New Zealand.
i. "Katoomba Convention Jan 11-17" An account of the convention which was a success, the presence of Mr Inwood attracting a large number of people (Mr Inwood attended this convention in 1908) . Jones notes the attendance of the following minister, Bellington, Dillon, Howe, Knox, Greenwood, Preswell, J.R. Stewart, J. Heffernann, A. Fraser (all Moore College men), Robert Waugh, Cocks of Pitt Street, Wallace, P.J. Stephen, Robertson of Adelaide, Michael Smith, Morgan of Kogara and Southwell. The Chief Speakers were Mr Kitchen, Southey, Wallis, Inwood and Jones. ii. "Valedictory Communion Service". Journey on a ship to England (in May 1808 - February 1909). Ports of call noted; Melbourne, Hobart, Albany, Durban, Cape Town, Plymouth, London. Jones was accompanied by Gracie and the children. Notes a stopover in Port Melbourne, where Jones notes a conversation with Ebbs and Sadlier regarding a proposed Evangelical College for Melbourne (April 4th), and a delay of 5 days in Hobart. Describes the journey from Hobart to Albany, during which a passenger died of double pneumonia and was buried at sea. Jones notes sore opposition from the Ship's Captain to the holding of services and prayer meetings. The Diary gives a general account of the journey; activities, people, weather, stop-overs. The family eventually disembarked at Plymouth, stayed one night there and then caught a train to Gobowen. (This is the last entry, 'June 5th.).
The diary commences with recollections of the Christmas period from 12th December, 1892 to 30th December, 1892, during which the family went to Melbourne. Gracie returned home before Nathaniel. Describes a trip to Tasmania with his father, who was intending to purchase some land. Whilst staying in Melbourne Jones embarked upon a number of short journeys to Geelong, Warragul, Buln Buln, Orbost (description of the Latrobe River) , Lake Wellington, and Lake Tyers. The diary was written whilst Jones was the Priest in the district of Tarnagulla and Newbridge. It is mostly a general account of his parish work (visits, titles of sermons, etc), and daily life. At this time Jones is supervising readers and mentions their progress and his activities relating to this. Mentions a number of young men wishing to enter into the Church; Gamble, Kent, Crawford, Oakes. Friday, 20th January 1893 Jones received a letter from Ward suggesting that a Dr. Cox, with whom he had spoken was confident of restoring Jones" voice. Ward invited Jones to Melbourne in order to consult with the doctor. Jones resolved to go. He left for Melbourne 23rd January, 1893 and remained there until 2nd February, 1893. Gives a detailed description of the diagnosis and treatment of the growth upon his vocal chords which had rendered his voice inaudible for approximately 2 years. In his absence some trouble arose at home involving Jones Senior and J.R. Majendie (a reader?). Jones returned to Melbourne for further treatment 15th February, 1893 - 18th March, 1893, accompanied by his father. The entry for Wednesday 8th March, 1893 describes the 'At Home' held by the Bishop and Mrs. Goe (he gives a second account of this event in a letter to Gracie 9th March 1893 - see GRACIE JONES Correspondence In). Jones preached in St. Mary's, Brighton Rd. on 15th March, 1893. Jones outlines some controversy between he, Langley, and Archdeacon MacCullough over the disposition of Oakes (24th March, 1893 -8th April, 1893). Describes the birth of his son 9th April, 1893. Outlines his proposal for a readers scheme based in Bendigo which he put to the Archdeacon in a meeting with him 10th April, 1893. 22nd April, 1893 - 26th April,1893 Jones records correspondence with the Bishop regarding 'Palmer', who wished to enter the ministry. Entries for July to September 1893 mostly relate to Church business.
Recalls Jones' decision to travel to Australia in the hope of improving his health. His family were initially concerned at his decision but were eventually reconciled to the move. Outlines the clothing and equipment desirable on the journey and describes the ship's cabins etc. Describes his first visit to 'The Harbinger', to make arrangements for the journey and to meet the Captain, the departure from England, and his decision to keep a diary of the voyage. Gives an account of shipboard lifestyle and activities; the livestock on board, the 'watches', meals, passengers, seasickness, seasickness cures, 'tacking' the ship. Regular mention of 'The Young Widow' or 'The Medical Lady'. This young woman was later to become his wife. Jones notes his first meeting with her, at the Captain's table (Sunday, 29.May 1887) . Prayer meetings were being conducted on board and Services on Sundays. Also theological discussions. Sunday, 12.June 1887 gives an account of the ship's journey past the island of Madeira. Portuguese Men-Of-War and Flying Fish were sighted in the sea. Entries from Monday, 13 June 1887 to Thursday 16 June 1887 inclusive constitute Jones' attempt to provide a "record in detail of all that goes on [aboard ship]... .Sufficient to give an idea of how time was spent". This includes a description of the controversy which arose when the Steward discovered that a sailor had been stealing sardines. The ship came in sight of the Canary Islands 16 June 1887. This is the final entry of the journal.
Describes a visit to Melbourne and, in particular, the Bishop and Mrs. Goe's 'At Home' on the 8th of March.
Silver gelatin print on card. Ink annotations on border: 'Perry Hall, Bendigo, Victoria. H.B. Roger, Hicks, J. Nicholson, Trebilcock, N. Jones, W.C. Taylor, F. Neale, Ditterich, C. Anthony, J. Osborne, D. Provan, J. Westacott, I. Potter.'
Albumen print on card with manuscript text in pen and ink surrounding photograph. 'St John's Church Newbridge parochial mission, Feb. 22 to Mar. 3, 1890'.
Silver gelatin print on card. 'Mrs Thomas' written underneath photo. 'Hills & Saunders Oxford' printed in gold in bottom right corner., Mrs Thomas is the wife of W.H. Griffith Thomas.
Albumen print on card. 'From the studio of Thos. Shrimpton & Son, photographers and artists, 23 & 24 Broad Street, Oxford' printed on reverse.