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Addressed: Sydney Diocesan Registry. Enclosures noted but not found. Wishing to know the date at which Jones planned to take up residence at Moore College and informing Jones that a prospective student had been referred to him.


Discusses the possibility of obtaining catechists for 2 clergymen in the inner suburbs of Sydney. Suggests that Jones should try to persuade the Bishop of Melbourne to accept the Moore College certificate as sufficient preliminary to the Bishop's examination.


Conveying the Board's appreciation for his services while at Perry Hall, Bendigo


Advises Jones about the examinations for Priest's Orders


Invites Jones to tea at Bishopscourt on the 8th June, and requesting that he there give an address to the readers and candidates for Priest's Orders.



Welcomes Jones to the Diocese of Sydney. Mentions the success of Robert (?) Knox in the last examination.


Letter from a friend of Canon Jones in England. Inquires after Jones' health and describes her feelings about the Boer War.


Letter from Nathaniel Jones' father, explaining that he is sending 50 pounds for building his granddaughter a bedroom, and asking that the house be called Golden Thorpe or Maryville.


Letter from Nathaniel Jones' father, congratulating Nathaniel on acquiring property in Australia and sharing news of family members.


Letter from Nathaniel Jones' mother, thanking him for a photograph that he sent, asking if their home is comfortable, and sharing local news.


Letter from Nathaniel Jones' sister Jennie, telling him their father is unwell.


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