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Talk given by Os Guinness at a CCL evening seminar, Q&A with Tony Payne and vote of thanks from Tony Payne and Michael Kellahan of Freedom for Faith.
Talk given by Os Guinness at a CCL evening seminar, Q&A with Tony Payne and vote of thanks from Tony Payne and Michael Kellahan of Freedom for Faith.
Talk given by Os Guinness at a CCL evening seminar, Q&A with Tony Payne and vote of thanks from Tony Payne and Michael Kellahan of Freedom for Faith.
Talk given by Os Guinness at a CCL evening seminar, Q&A with Tony Payne and vote of thanks from Tony Payne and Michael Kellahan of Freedom for Faith.
Event hosted jointly by the Centre for Christian Living and Freedom for Faith. The introduction was given by Tony Payne, part 1 'Can we talk publicly about same-sex marriage?' was given by Michael Kellahan, and Part 2 'Can we talk personally about same-sex marriage?' was given by Tony Payne.
Event hosted jointly by the Centre for Christian Living and Freedom for Faith. The introduction was given by Tony Payne, part 1 'Can we talk publicly about same-sex marriage?' was given by Michael Kellahan, and Part 2 'Can we talk personally about same-sex marriage?' was given by Tony Payne.
Event hosted jointly by the Centre for Christian Living and Freedom for Faith. The introduction was given by Tony Payne, part 1 'Can we talk publicly about same-sex marriage?' was given by Michael Kellahan, and Part 2 'Can we talk personally about same-sex marriage?' was given by Tony Payne.
Payne introduces the Centre for Christian Living before the event 'Can we talk about same-sex marriage?' Event hosted jointly by the Centre for Christian Living and Freedom for Faith. The introduction was given by Tony Payne, part 1 'Can we talk publicly about same-sex marriage?' was given by Michael Kellahan, and Part 2 'Can we talk personally about same-sex marriage?' was given by Tony Payne.
New prayer book taking shape, A new bush mission field - on ministering to fly-in, fly-out workers, Mobilising the Lord's army by Jim Wackett- on the Kony 2012 social media campaign, Hand in hand by Andrew Robinson - on the financial management of Anglican Retirement Villages, The nice atheist by Michael Kellahan - on the appealing presentation of atheism, Names of honour reflect Anzac loss by Colin Bale - on the relationship between World War I and the Australian church, 2012-04-01/2012-04-30
Special Synod on merger - on the merger of Anglicare and Anglican Retirement Villages, Newtown crane rises - on the construction of the 2017 building of Moore College, Diocese plans integrated Syrian response, Archbishop's term extended - on the extension of Glenn Davies term as Archbishop until 2020, A surprised, saved servant by Judy Adamson - on the testimony of Dean, Kanishka Raffel, Royal Commission apology - on the apology given by Glenn Davies to victims of abuse in the Church of England Boys' Society, FORCED SILENCE by Michael Kellahan - on having the courage to speak openly about Christ, sex and politics, A burning issue? by Mark Thompson - on the Lord's Supper, 2016-03-01/2016-03-31
Dulwich Hill hall burned out, World congress in Sydney, Healing the hurt by Judy Adamson - on the role of the Parish Recovery Team after sexual misconduct, Convert from Islam now planting churches in the Georges River by Nick Gilbert - on the work of Siddique Paul and his wife Fozia, Kangaroo Valley becomes new provisional parish by Nick Gilbert, Grant for Dapto outreach by Judy Adamson, Diocese pilots new church growth consultation scheme by Nick Gilbert - on growth in Western Sydney, South to Sanctuary - on the Griffin's move to Sanctuary Point and caring for ministry families with disabled children, Anglican or Anglocan? by Michael Kellahan - on the lack of Asian Senior Ministers in the North Shore, Loving God with the mind by Peter Jensen - on the importance of intellectual thinking and writing to building faith, Emergency Relief by Anna West - on the chaplains caring for our paramedics and those experiencing trauma, Wisdom amid suffering by David Hohne - on Job and suffering, 2013-05-01/2013-05-31