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10.30am, 1Jn 4:8-10


Millar answers questions from the first talk, relating to evangelism. Millar looks at what we can say about the salvation of those who lived before the coming of Jesus. He explores the major Old Testament characters to show their sinfulness and need for salvation.


Millar looks at historical theology, exploring what other people have to say about change. People include : Augustine Paul Tripp John Calvin James K. A. Smith Tim Chester Talk is followed by questions.


Millar introduces the lecture series on change. He looks at why change is hard, and then sets out some parameters for the series. 1. We have already been changed 2. What do we do with Old Testament characters? 3. What do we do with the Old Testament law/Torah? 4. How do we please God? 5. What is the role of the Spirit? Being changed by the Spirit 6. Relationship enhanced through God's word


Millar answers questions from the previous talks. Millar explores the relationship between Jesus, the law, and the prophets.


Millar answers questions from earlier talks. Millar looks brings together the content on historical theology with the earlier talks on the Old and New Testaments. He then puts together a biblical theology of biblical transformation by addressing the question 'how does change happen? Millar examines 9 implications of biblical transformation followed by some warnings.




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