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Subjects covered (in order of appearance): Evidences; The second coning of Our Lord (p.p. 27 - 36); Genesis, chapters 1-5 (p.p. 37 - '52'); Analysis of "Robinson's Christian System"; Essay 1, On the divine origin of the Holy scriptures. Essay 2, On the different characters of the infidel and the believer. Essay 3, On the power of God. Essay 4, On the wisdom and Knowledge of God. Essay 5, On the goodness of God. Essay 6, On the patience of God. Essay 7, On the holiness of God. Essay 8, On the justice of God. Essay 9, On the mercy of God. Essay 10, On the veracity of God. Essay 11, On the Trinity in unity. Essays 12 - 19, On the natural state of Man. (pages '52' - '59'). The Epistles to the Thessalonians; Reformation and Symbolical Formulae (2 pages in pencil); Notes on Church doctrine (history), the Articles of the Church of England, and the Acts governing the Church of England. This may be the draft of a essay written by Jones during his Oxford years. Topics covered within it include the Reformation in England and Germany, the 'New Learning', justification for the split with Rene in the Sixteenth Century, the omittance in the Acts of the English Church of the doctrine of the Corporal Presence.
Note, probably written by Maisie Jones, identifies Jones as the author. Notes dealing with the accession of James the First, the Millenary Petition, the Hampton Court Conference (1604)
Subjects covered (in order of appearance): Abraham's faith in relation to Jesus Christ and Christian Faith (2 pages); The sin of Adam and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ; Sin and the lifestyle of the Christian in the light of Christ's sacrifice (6 pages).
Note inside front cover by Alan Cole, who received them from R.B. Robinson when he entered College in 1932. Received September 1988 from Rev Reg Langshaw.
Tennis court at Moore College and lawn where memorial wing now stands. The Darlington Centre is visible in the background.
zTennis court at Moore College and lawn where memorial wing now stands. The Darlington Centre is visible in the background.
Silver gelatin print on card. Students at Moore College, on the lawn in front of the College buildings. Includes A. Calvin, J.V. Patton, R. Newton, C.A. Stubbin, W.H. Croft.
Students at Moore College, on the lawn in front of the College buildings. Includes A. Calvin, J.V. Patton, R. Newton, C.A. Stubbin, W.H. Croft. Manuscript notes by Donald Howard and Kim Robinson.
Addressed: Sydney Diocesan Registry. Enclosures noted but not found. Wishing to know the date at which Jones planned to take up residence at Moore College and informing Jones that a prospective student had been referred to him.
Letter inviting Jones to a reunion of past and present Moore College students to be held on the 10th October 1910, enclosing a formal invitation. Attached to the letter was the original letter to Rev. Cakebread, the organizer of the reunion, from Harts Ltd, presenting the proposed menu for the reunion luncheon.