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Jhn 1:1-14, 7.30pm, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas


Luk 24:44-53, 9.15am, Visitor, Visiting Preacher, Visiting Speaker


2.30pm, Visitor, Visiting Preacher, Visiting Speaker


PM, Visitor, Visiting Preacher, Visiting Speaker


8.00pm, Training, Knots Untied, Wed Night at Christ Church


Visitor, Pastoral visit, Visiting Speaker


10.45am, Visitor, Visiting Preacher, Visiting Speaker


Donald Robinson speaks as the outgoing president of AFES on the term fundamentalism. The tasks of theology: 1. "To understand the scriptures in their own original terms. That is, in the orginal language and the cultural forms in which it was originally given." 2. "To express and interpret that understanding in relation to the language and cultural forms of our own day, and in response to questions and concerns which arise from our own life." Discussion of the Bible being inspired by God and how they were selected., Cassette label reads : "Presidential Address Bishop Donald Robinson 1390 c1982"


Special celebratory service to celebrate 100 years of the Deaconess Institute. 'Tell out my Soul' is sung. Bible readings are from Isaiah 43 and Mark 2:18ff. Robinson speaks on God being with us from the Isaiah reading. He shows that this reality for us is in Jesus. He stresses that our response is to serve him, and that this applies to all Christians. We serve both Christ and each other. Robinson speaks on the history of female deacons. He then looks at our role and purpose as servants., Cassette label reads : "7.7.91 10:30am 100 years of ministry by the Deaconess institution Archbishop Donald Robinson"


Christians respond to Kosovo crisis, Wollongong Anglicans offer safe haven to people fleeing former Yugoslavia, New look at renewing a failing society by Jeremy Halcrow, New name to continue the vision for youth by Harry Goodhew- on the formation of Youthworks, Divorce: one grandfather’s heartache by Philip Jensen, Anglicans Debate an Australian Republic by Robert Doyle and Bishop Donald Robinson, Archbishop writes to Herald on Euthanasia, Demolishing the myth of work by Simon Miller, Ten yeare later, Tiananmen’s legacy lives on by Val Horniman, Sisters find future in inner-city oasis by Margaret Rogers - on the visit of International Leader, Sister Anita, to Glebe Sisters of the Church., Volume 05 number 04, 1999-05-01/1999-05-31


Service celebrating the centenary of the Open Air Campaigners. The history of the Open Air Campaigners is recounted, including the impact of the organisation around the world, and on other mission organisations. Robinson looks at the role of open air preaching, using examples of people, both in the context of his preaching, and throughout the bible. Robinson looks at what it means to catch men, and the competition between the disciples and the devil., CD label reads : "The OAC Centenary Thanksgiving service held at St Andrew’s Cathedral. 29th March 1992 This service was part of the International OAC Staff Conference attended by 80 participants from 11 OAC Branches"


Delivered by Bishop D.W.B. Robinson

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