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Angels by Rev Michael Hill, Disabled still excluded from church mission by Amy Butler, The problem of growth by Jeremy Halcrow - on growth in Chinese Churches, Chinese and English-speakers must share resources to reach city by Stuart Robinson, Volume 08 number 10, 2002-11-01/2002-11-30


No borders for God’s protection by Amy Butler, Archbishop Williams to uphold ban on gay priests, Shouldn’t war be the last resort? By Margaret Rodgers, Seniors are neglected in church mission strategy by Dr Shareen Robinson, Craig Josling’s city vision: ‘We want 30,000 people sharing Christ with their workmates.” by Stuart Robinson - on the beginning of City Bible Forum, The day that changed the world by Jeremy Halcrow - on September 11, Sudanese Christians face terror attacks every day, Volume 08 number 08, 2002-09-01/2002-09-30


God is doing miracles at Westpac as Christians step out in faith at work by Geoff Robson, Values and beliefs belong together in schools by Phillip Heath - on Christian schools, ‘Bring your friends every week’ by Stuart Robinson - on church leaders setting an example by inviting their friends, Bridging the culture gap kickstarts Mission by Madeleine Collins - on cross-cultural mission, Volume 09 number 07, 2003-08-01/2003-08-31


Family breakdown sees more look for God, CMS holds first youth ‘recruit’ camp, PM plans prayer for nation by Margaret Rodgers - on calls for a National Day of Prayer, Iraq conflict leaves divided nation in need of reconciliation by Jeremy Halcrow, SARS forces Church to rethink ministry, Is this Sydney’s busiest ‘church’? by Stuart Robinson - on school chaplaincy at Barker College, They are our neighbours and they have never heard of Jesus - interview with Rosemary Anderson regarding English classes, or ESL, The killing game by Peter Jensen - on euthanasia, New push for euthanasia in NSW, Volume 09 number 04, 2003-05-01/2003-05-31


Originally delivered 1991-04-11


Originally delivered 1992-03-31


Talk given at Quakers Hill Anglican Church


Robinson is interviewed before the talk, including the planting of Quakers Hill Anglican. 1. Looking at those who are drawn into the occult net 2. Three stories - Jenny, Trevor, and Frank 3. After each story, Robinson speaks against the devil's work 4. How to respond and disciple people with these experiences Talk is followed by questions, Cassette label reads : "Dialogue and evangelism in the occult Stuart Robinson 11/7/91 Robert Menzies School of Christian studies"


Robinson speaks on and explains the New Age Movement. 1. New Age belief 2. New Age appeal 3. How Evangelical Christians might respond, Cassette label reads : "Contemporary alternatives of spirituality New Age - Stuart Robinson 30.9.92 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Interview panel with Narelle Jarrett, Stuart Robinson, Femi Barry Chant, on different types of spirituality, and true spirituality., Cassette label reads : "Monday evening forum with Kel Richards 28.9.92 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


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