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10.30am, Eph 2:11-22


10.30am, Jhn 18:28-19:19


Centre for Christian Living event held at St Cuthbert's Naremburn Cammeray. Shead looks at the style of the psalms. He explores the relationship between the Psalms and the law or Torah, and the content of the psalms. He interviews Fiona Fenningsworth who illustrates Bibles. Shead explores the Psalms, their Messianic message and how they relate to the rest of the Bible. He encourages his listeners to sing the psalms in their churches.


Centre for Christian Living event held at St Cuthbert's Naremburn Cammeray


Centre for Christian Living event held at St Cuthbert's Naremburn Cammeray


Centre for Christian Living event held at St Cuthbert's Naremburn Cammeray


Session 8A of SOT2012. "Power" by Kit Barker. Hosted by Andrew Cameron. Includes short sermon "A Powerless Sermon" by Andrew Shead on Ps48.


Session 6 of SOT2012. "Praise" by Andrew Cameron. Hosted by Andrew Shead. Music by Rob Llewellyn and friends.




Session 5 of SOT2012. "Poetry" by Andrew Shead. Includes session on "Engaging the Body" by Jo Clark.


NCNC has designs on Stanhope Gardens - on the plans to build a church building in Stanhope Gardens, Christian campus opens - on Excelsia College's move to Macquarie Park, Archbishop backs plebiscite plan, New director of ENC - on the appointment of Rev Phillip Wheeler, Sth Sydney's scholar bishop - on the appointment of Michael Stead as Bishop of South Sydney, MAG ministry prepares to close its doors - on the closure of the Church Missionary Society's closure of their Mission Aid Group, School's in by Ben McEachen - on school chaplaincy, A church for broken people by Andrew Shead - on the need to come to Christ broken, 2015-09-01/2015-09-30


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