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NCNC has designs on Stanhope Gardens - on the plans to build a church building in Stanhope Gardens, Christian campus opens - on Excelsia College's move to Macquarie Park, Archbishop backs plebiscite plan, New director of ENC - on the appointment of Rev Phillip Wheeler, Sth Sydney's scholar bishop - on the appointment of Michael Stead as Bishop of South Sydney, MAG ministry prepares to close its doors - on the closure of the Church Missionary Society's closure of their Mission Aid Group, School's in by Ben McEachen - on school chaplaincy, A church for broken people by Andrew Shead - on the need to come to Christ broken, 2015-09-01/2015-09-30
Real marriage by Peter Jensen - on the change of the marriage act, Sing to the Lord a new song but make it an old new song please by Andrew Shead - on singing the Psalms, Don't worry, be faithful by Sandy Grant - on not worrying about ethics classes, 2011-06-01/2011-06-30
Shead summarises earlier talks on how inspired holy scripture comes about. Questions are taken on the talks, looking at the Word of God. This includes in the Word of God as preaching, what scripture is, developing a doctrine of scripture, and the written scripture. Exploration at what is meant by the expression 'the Word of God'. Other questions include how we know that scripture is trustworthy, and the impact of this on other questions. Question panel Originally delivered 2004-09-16
Shead surveys the state of play in textual criticism. He then provides some reflections, touching on topics that are addressed in later talks. Originally delivered 2004-09-15
Shead expounds on Jeremiah 10. He looks at God's warning not to copy the nations, including avoiding idols.
Shead looks at why we read the Bible alone, when there is no one to speak on it, from Jeremiah 8. He clarifies when Jeremiah is speaking and when God is speaking. Shead looks at repsonding appropriately to God's judgement, including the response of false teachers and the human response of selfishness. Shead looks at the emotion of Jeremiah, and how he reflects God's emotions.