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Articles of particular note include:, Clergy support women preaching - explaining a report which showed support for women preaching, New law threatens foster care by Michelle Haines - covering the upcoming legislation giving LGBTQI people foster rights., HK Christians urged to stay - Lo Lung Kwong urged believers in Hong Kong to stay there after the area is formally handed back to China, From the mouths of babes by Patricia Judge - exploring the damaging effects of abortion, Hallelujah: an alternative halloween! by Jane Thomas - with a suggestion of other types of parties that could be held on 31st October., Volume 02 number 07, 1996-09-01/1996-09-30


New millennium sees evangelism bug grip Sydney, Window of opportunity: - on gospel work amongst university students in Japan, MYC puts students on track by Natasha Percy, ‘Far East’ is our ‘Near North’ by Margaret Rodgers - on the effects of Chinese sovereignty of Macau, Real change in our Church? Maybe this time by Rob Forsyth - on the introduction of Parish Cost Recoveries, Aboriginal ministry needs help by Jane Thomas, Long-serving cleric retires - retirement of Barry Schofield, church’s quiet revolution by Bruce Ballantine-Jones - on lay administration of the Lord's Supper, Volume 05 number 08, 1999-09-01/1999-09-30


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