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Thompson speaks on the topic of divorce from Matthew 5:31-32. He looks at the ways the Pharisees rationalised the law. Thompson looks at what is described as inappropriate sexual behaviour, and that there is always sin involved in a divorce. Tooher speaks about the experience of divorced people.
True power is dependence by Peter Jensen - on depending on God in prayer, Grace under fire by Andrew Robinson - on the growth of MOCLAM, Conscience vote controversy by Russell Powell - on a conscience vote in parliament on same-sex marriage, Global vision? by Rowan Kemp - on CMS Summer School, Training in righteousness by David McIntyre - on Christian schools, their role and numbers, Open doors? by Raj Gupta - on being welcoming churches, Boost needed by Jane Tooher - on women's ministry, 2012-02-01/2012-02-28
Session 9 of SOT2012. "Politics" by Andrew Sloane. Hosted by Philip Kern. Includes Jane Tooher reading a sermon by James May and song based on Ps67 by Trevor Hodge.
Williamson speaks on Malachi 2:10-16. The key idea is for faithfulness. 1. Love God 2. Love oneanother
Thompson speaks on the rebuke on doing more harm then good, as seen in meeting together for the Lord's Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:17-24. Tooher shares how/why she finds the Lord's Supper significant, even coming from a Catholic background. Thompson looks at the division in the church around food, which was driven by self-centredness. He challenges the audience to consider where we apply that same self-centredness. Thompson looks at what it teaches us about the Lord's Supper, including what is important and what isn't.
Windsor explores what drives us to preach Christ, and that this should be to see people saved. He looks at the ambition of ministry leadership, and the qualifications needed to do this, especially who you are, as ministry is a 24/7 life. Tooher speaks on hospitality in ministry. She argues that hospitality is about showing love, and doesn't have to be fancy, but is good to have at home.