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Windsor shares his testimony - how he came to trust in Jesus. He then shares why he decided to go into full-time ministry.


Windsor explores what drives us to preach Christ, and that this should be to see people saved. He looks at the ambition of ministry leadership, and the qualifications needed to do this, especially who you are, as ministry is a 24/7 life. Tooher speaks on hospitality in ministry. She argues that hospitality is about showing love, and doesn't have to be fancy, but is good to have at home.


Windsor speaks on the relationship between men and women in the world, and how this conflict is transformed by Christ from 1 Timothy 2:8-15. He explores what the text says, and what it means for us. Windsor looks at the context of the passage, especially amongst false teachers, and the application of the text.


Windsor speaks on the nature of the false teachers in the 1st century from 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5. He shows that the mystery of the gospel leads to godliness. Windsor explores how we think about food in a range of cultures. He looks at what happens when we put spirituality above people, and that Christianity won't let you do that.


Windsor stresses that we must be nourished in the gospel from 1 Timothy 4:6-16. He shows that discipline is essential for godliness, and that teachers should be modelling this.


Authors explore the debate around same-sex marriage within the wider Anglican Church leadership. They consider the Biblical teaching, legality, theology and pastoral care. Authors also analyse the decisions made in New Zealand.


John 21: A strange commissioning 1–3 The in-between time 4–14 Trying to catch fish? - Jesus has it sorted 15–17 Feeling a failure? - Jesus has just the job for you 18–23 Suffering & out of control? Jesus knows all about it 24–25 The things we really need to know


Payne and Windsor discuss the question of how to be in the world but not of the world. He looks at the idea of viewing our life in this world as exile, and how much we should or should not engage with it. Windsor explains the notion of exile in the bible - facing God's judgement and away from God's land. They investigate what Jesus teaches us about exile, and what being in Christ means for exile. Payne and Colgan expound Jeremiah 29:7, including Israel's historical context, and how this is different to our context. Colgan then highlights and explains passages from the New Testament that use the theme of exile. Colgan looks at the application of exile to the New Testament, post-resurrection context.


Payne and Windsor discuss the question of how to be in the world but not of the world. He looks at the idea of viewing our life in this world as exile, and how much we should or should not engage with it. Windsor explains the notion of exile in the bible - facing God's judgement and away from God's land. They investigate what Jesus teaches us about exile, and what being in Christ means for exile. Payne and Colgan expound Jeremiah 29:7, including Israel's historical context, and how this is different to our context. Colgan then highlights and explains passages from the New Testament that use the theme of exile. Colgan looks at the application of exile to the New Testament, post-resurrection context.


Payne encourages the listeners to look at the issue carefully, in the same way as any other issue, reflecting on what the Bible has to say, and then looking at some practical implications. Windsor looks at our relationship with the world, both in caring for it, filling it and managing it. He argues that living for Jesus and putting off greed will be beneficial for the environment.


Peter Orr interviews Lionel Winsdor about his new book 'Truth be told'. Windsor introduces himself. He shares how he came to be writing this book. Windsor introduces the concept of 'post truth' - that whatever we remember is the truth. He critiques the idea that we create our own truth and find our truth within ourselves. Windsor contrasts this with what the Bible says about truth. He explores the meaning of truth as reliable and faithful. Windsor shares some practical implications of truth.


Peter Orr and Lionel Windsor examine the chapter on technology from Lionel's book 'Truth be Told'. They looks at the problem of technology to magnify lies/false-truths. Windsor details the pros and cons of technologies that have transformed our relationship with truth, especially the printing press and social media. Windsor shares how he uses social media in order to avoid information overload. He contrasts how printed material and social media teach us about truth, and how this is changing again with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI).


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