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Authors explore the debate around same-sex marriage within the wider Anglican Church leadership. They consider the Biblical teaching, legality, theology and pastoral care. Authors also analyse the decisions made in New Zealand.


Windsor speaks from John 21 as part of Open Week. He looks at the period between Christ's death and his ascension. Windsor looks at Peter, what he does while he is waiting, and how he responds to the risen Jesus. He compares his response to Peter's denial of Jesus. Windsor looks at Peter's humility, and why this is important to the ministry is that we are involved in.


Windsor explores what drives us to preach Christ, and that this should be to see people saved. He looks at the ambition of ministry leadership, and the qualifications needed to do this, especially who you are, as ministry is a 24/7 life. Tooher speaks on hospitality in ministry. She argues that hospitality is about showing love, and doesn't have to be fancy, but is good to have at home.


Windsor speaks on the relationship between men and women in the world, and how this conflict is transformed by Christ from 1 Timothy 2:8-15. He explores what the text says, and what it means for us. Windsor looks at the context of the passage, especially amongst false teachers, and the application of the text.


Windsor speaks on the nature of the false teachers in the 1st century from 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5. He shows that the mystery of the gospel leads to godliness. Windsor explores how we think about food in a range of cultures. He looks at what happens when we put spirituality above people, and that Christianity won't let you do that.


Windsor stresses that we must be nourished in the gospel from 1 Timothy 4:6-16. He shows that discipline is essential for godliness, and that teachers should be modelling this.


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