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Claydon explores the importance of corporate prayer, with a special focus on prayer meetings, and examples from the New Testament where these were held. Claydon explores the importance of unity in prayer, and compares it to agreement in prayer., Box label reads : "Series E5/Tape 3 'Prayer' Side 1 : 'Praying together - why bother?' Rev G. Claydon Side 2 : 'Praying for the needs of others' Rev J. Aldis", All Souls Church, London


Stott explains Galatians 4:21-31. He explores the trap of thinking that we can be saved by works, as the works/law will condemn. 1. Historical - slavery = Ishmael, freedom = Isaac 2. Allegorical - expect persecution, but from other religious people 3. Personal - if we are Christ's, we inherit the promises of the Old Testament, and experience the grace of God., Box label reads : "Galatians 7 Chapt 4:21-31 Chapt 5:1-12", All Souls Church, London


Stott expounds Galatians 3:10-14. He argues that this paragraph must be grasped to understand Christianity. Stott explores what it means to be justified by/before God, including comparing this to the law. He shows that we are all cursed until we trust in Jesus., Box label reads : "Galatians tape 4" Reel label reads : "Galatians tape 4 Side 1 3:1-9 Side 2 3:10-14, All Souls Church, London


Stott explains Galatians 5:1-12. He looks at the contrast of two opinions/outlooks/religions - one false and the other true. 1. Believers 2. Teachers, Box label reads : "Galatians 7 Chapt 4:21-31 Chapt 5:1-12", All Souls Church, London


Stott expounds Galatians 6:6-10. He looks at the passage in three spheres : 1. Christian ministry 2. Christian holiness 3. Christian well-doing - comparing this to sowing seeds., Box label reads : " Galatians tape 9", All Souls Church, London


Stott expounds Galatians 3:1-9. He looks at how Paul calls the Galatians foolish/idiotic to describe their turning away from the gospel. Stott compares the gospel to the law, and shows that this was the Galatian's experience. Stott explains what the gospel is, and our role in spreading it. He shows that the gospel offers a blessing, where the only demand is faith., Box label reads : "Galatians tape 4" Reel label reads : "Galatians tape 4 Side 1 3:1-9 Side 2 3:10-14, All Souls Church, London


Stott explores the issues between Paul and the Judaisers in Galatians, to provide the context of Galatians. 1. Authority - who to believer? 2. Salvation - how to be made right with God? 3. Holiness - how do we learn to control our desires and live a life of righteousness and love?, Reel label reads : "Galatians tape 10", All Souls Church, London


Stott speaks on the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. He shows that the Holy Spirit produces the same fruit in all believers, and that we must be showing all the fruit. He shows that it is supernatural in origin, and natural in it's growth. Stott shows that we reap what we sow, and that we can sow either to the flesh or the Spirit. He stresses that we need both humility and faith to receive the fruits of the Spirit, and that we need to be patient as we wait on the Lord., Box label reads : "The Power of the Holy Spirit Rev M Baughn", All Souls Church, London


Stott expounds Galatians 2:11-16. He explores the tension between Paul and Peter regarding Gentiles. Stott examines Paul's public discipline of Peter. He shows that the Gospel must be applied, not just understood., Box label reads : "VIII Galatians tape 3 Side 1. 2:11-16 Side 2. 2:16-21, All Souls Church, London


Stott expounds Galatians 4:12-20. He explores what it means to become like another person to win them for Christ, and in receiving the person who brings the gospel we receive Christ. He applies this to a contemporary setting., Reel label reads : "Galatians 6. Chapt 4:1-11 4:12-20", All Souls Church, London


Stott begins a series on Galatians. He gives an overview of the context of the book, exploring Paul's apostleship. Stott shows that the object of the cross was to rescue us out of the present evil age, as the two ages run parallel to one another. He shows that Jesus' death was both the will of the Son and the Father. Stott examines the actions of the false teachers, and Paul's desire to correct false teaching. He applies this to a contemporary setting, by arguing that sticking to the gospel is more important than a preacher's outward appearance., Box label reads : "Galatians 1", All Souls Church, London


Stott speaks on Galatians 4:1-11. He explores the imagery of the law as a type of bondage. Stott explains the importance of Jesus being perfect God and perfect man. He shows God's sending work, sending both Jesus and his Spirit. Stott argues the silliness of returning to the law/works after receiving mercy from God., Reel label reads : "Galatians 6. Chapt 4:1-11 4:12-20", All Souls Church, London


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