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Family breakdown sees more look for God, CMS holds first youth ‘recruit’ camp, PM plans prayer for nation by Margaret Rodgers - on calls for a National Day of Prayer, Iraq conflict leaves divided nation in need of reconciliation by Jeremy Halcrow, SARS forces Church to rethink ministry, Is this Sydney’s busiest ‘church’? by Stuart Robinson - on school chaplaincy at Barker College, They are our neighbours and they have never heard of Jesus - interview with Rosemary Anderson regarding English classes, or ESL, The killing game by Peter Jensen - on euthanasia, New push for euthanasia in NSW, Volume 09 number 04, 2003-05-01/2003-05-31


We can’t afford church, says Sydney by Madeleine Collins - on financial pressures facing church-goers and the flow-on effects for churches., Archbishop Jensen given ten more years to lead the Mission by Jeremy Halcrow, Church has failed the bush by Geoff Robson, We must assist those hurt by the drought by Peter Jensen - on the effect of drought on bush ministry, Key appointment to stem cell body - on the appointment of Dr Megan Best to the regulatory body for embryonic stem cell research, Moore friends won in Brisbane Diocese, Canadian decision may sink the Anglican ship by Geoff Robson - on blessing of same-sex unions in Canada, Islamic revolution looms large in Iraq by Jeremy Halcrow with Barnabus Fund, Sydney course adds depth to African sermons - on PTC courses used overseas, Go West! Church planting frenzy grips outer suburbs - on church plants across the western suburbs of Sydney, Volume 09 number 05, 2003-06-01/2003-06-30


Christian bikers bring gospel to youth by Madeleine Collins - on outreach program 'Street Level', New course puts the Bible back on the menu - on the launch of 'Two Ways to live', No boundaries for ministry to our uni students - on the appointment of Richard Chin as AFES National Director, The heart of the missionary church by Amy Butler - on the place of ethics within a church, Volume 09 number 08, 2003-10-01/2003-10-31


Prisoners being set free by God by Madeleine Collins - on ministry for ex-inmates, Christians everywhere equipped to serve by Peter Jensen - on part-time theological study, Anglican Communion soon to divide? by Margaret Rodgers, East Asian churches seek unified Korea by Liz Hogarth, Political agenda behind gay adoption debate by Margaret Rodgers, King of the kids - and the parents by Liz Hogarth - on Colin Buchanan's ministry, Volume 09 number 09, 2003-11-01/2003-11-30


Sydney bishops join protest at rejection of Bible by Margaret Rodgers, Doing ‘whatever it takes’ to share Christ with our kids - on the appointment of James Fong as SRE adviser, Knowing our mission field by Margaret Rodgers, Nothing but the truth? by Geoff Robson - on media coverage of church events, The good book in a bad world - on defending the Bible, Volume 09 number 06, 2003-07-01/2003-07-31


God has the power to change lives by Jeremy Halcrow - on the impact of the gospel amongst the homeless, St Michael’s outreach embraces Mardi Gras officials, War poses imminent threat of persecution for Iraqi Christians, Has fashion gone too far? By Margaret Rodgers, Would Jesus have condemned the war?, Volume 09 number 03, 2003-04-01/2003-04-30


Both NSW libs and Labor remain addicted to gambling by Amy Butler, New evangelist keen to see lives changed by Geoff Robson - on Rick Lewers move from Crossroads in Canberra to Evangelism Ministries in Sydney., Picking up the pieces in Bali by Geoff Robson - on the Bali bombings., More interest in training among women by Margaret Rodgers - on the number of women entering theological training, Princess’ positive response to plague by Amy Butler - on the AIDS situation in Zambia, Volume 09 number 01, 2003-02-01/2003-02-28


Our buildings by Peter Jensen - on the role of church buildings, Ethics to stay, but review recommended - on ethics classes in NSW schools, Faith in action by Philip Cooney - on the faith of Queen Elizabeth II, Ministry by men, for men, Supernatural by Mark Thompson - on Christ's resurrection, A joyful noise by Rob Smith - on singing in church, 2012-08-01/2012-08-31


Science and faith by Peter Jensen - on the relationship between science and faith, Real Life by Tara Farrugia - on a new church plant in Canley Heights, Pathway from Youthworks College to Moore by Andrew Buerger - on recognition of former training by Moore College to those studying at Youthworks, New congregation at Quakers Hill by Andrew Buerger, Strategy goes beyond 'minor tweaking' by Russell Powell - on funding, the role of the Archbishop and the local church in evangelism, Nelson to head north by north-west - on the appointment of Gary Nelson as Bishop of North West Australia, Cold welcome - on being a welcoming church, Sydney international by Andrew Robinson - on being a culturally diverse church instead of mono-cultural ones, A word's worth by Greg Anderson - on the power of words, Preparing teens for leadership - on the Leaders in Training conference, 2012-03-01/2012-03-31


Chappo remembered by Peter Jensen - on the life and service of John Chapman, Chappo called home by Russell Powell - on the death of John Chapman, Ministering to Muslims by Andrew Buerger, Burnt church asks for help by Judy Adamson - on the rebuild after the 2009 Black Saturday fires, The return of the lapsed Anglican by Jodie McNeill - on the response of those who return to church after a prolonged period, 'Tis the season to be ignorant by Judy Adamson - on the need to re-educate the community on the Christmas story, They're playing our song(s) by Bill Sailer - on the playing of Christmas carols, Empty tables - on Anglicare's report into the level of poverty in Australia, When saying "no" can be the best thingcan be the best thing by Archie Poulos - on focusing ministries, 2012-12-01/2012-12-31


Down peacock's feathers! By Peter Jensen - on why we find teaching on sin so hard, Light in the darkness by Lea Carswell - on depression and the way it affects people, In Christ by Con Campbell - on what it means to be 'in Christ', Real gospel music by Rob Smith - on singing as prayer and praise, 2012-09-01/2012-09-30


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