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Research on resisting porn, Condie "confident" of Church's future in Tassie - on the appontment of the 12th Bishop of Tasmania, To delight in weakness by Mike Begbie - on ministry and sickness, Visible mercy by Glenn Davies - on the purpose of rainbows, Burnout Burden by Ben McEachen - on clergy burnout, Justification and final judgment by Andrew Leslie - on judgement day, KYCK commends jesus above all - report on the Katoomba Youth Christian Conference, Learning about Islam by Richard Schumack, 2016-05-01/2016-05-31
NRL stars help feed homeless, Timor in state of fear by Margaret Rodgers, ‘Astonishing’ moves to accept Pope by Dr Peter Jensen, One soldier’s fear: will God reject me? By Phillip Jensen - on the Vietnam War, The new liberals - on a group of Anglicans response to Lambeth, The power of prayer by Paul Kraus - on how to pray, What does the Bible say about prayer? by Bishop Reg Piper, Debunking genetic determinism and the ‘Gay Gene’ by Simon Miller, Volume 05 number 06, 1999-07-01/1999-07-31
Mission confronts past at 200th party by Jeremy Halcrow - the Church Missionary Society speaks on past missionary treatment of Indigenous Australians., The meaning of acceptance and forgiveness by Phillip Jensen, Aboriginal mission still takes back-seat, Volume 05 number 01, 1999-02-01/1999-02-28
Anglican Media launches evangelistic website, Churches combine to take gospel to Mardi Gras, Men’s ministry grows at Katoomba, When two up means two down by Philip Jensen - on gambling, The Bible comes alive on pilgrimage to the Holy Land by Paul Barnett, Love in a cold climate by Peter Jensen - what love is and how Christ shows us love, Volume 05 number 03, 1999-04-01/1999-04-30
Same-sex unions divide Anglicans by Margaret Rodgers, ‘Equal but Different’ no heresy by Mark Thompson, Volume 05 number 02, 1999-03-01/1999-03-31
New millennium sees evangelism bug grip Sydney, Window of opportunity: - on gospel work amongst university students in Japan, MYC puts students on track by Natasha Percy, ‘Far East’ is our ‘Near North’ by Margaret Rodgers - on the effects of Chinese sovereignty of Macau, Real change in our Church? Maybe this time by Rob Forsyth - on the introduction of Parish Cost Recoveries, Aboriginal ministry needs help by Jane Thomas, Long-serving cleric retires - retirement of Barry Schofield, church’s quiet revolution by Bruce Ballantine-Jones - on lay administration of the Lord's Supper, Volume 05 number 08, 1999-09-01/1999-09-30
Christians respond to Kosovo crisis, Wollongong Anglicans offer safe haven to people fleeing former Yugoslavia, New look at renewing a failing society by Jeremy Halcrow, New name to continue the vision for youth by Harry Goodhew- on the formation of Youthworks, Divorce: one grandfather’s heartache by Philip Jensen, Anglicans Debate an Australian Republic by Robert Doyle and Bishop Donald Robinson, Archbishop writes to Herald on Euthanasia, Demolishing the myth of work by Simon Miller, Ten yeare later, Tiananmen’s legacy lives on by Val Horniman, Sisters find future in inner-city oasis by Margaret Rogers - on the visit of International Leader, Sister Anita, to Glebe Sisters of the Church., Volume 05 number 04, 1999-05-01/1999-05-31
Church acts to prevent abuse, Light brings hope to shattered lives in Arnhem land, Archbishop Carey’s talks disappoint gays, Bishop works to bring Sri Lanka peace by Margaret Rodgers - on a visit to Sydney made by Bishop Kenneth Fernando, Sudanese say thanks by Gum Lang, John, Volume 05 number 07, 1999-08-01/1999-08-31
Christian students in the cold by Geoff Robson - on threats to government funding of Christian schools, Christians caught in world hot spots by Jeremy Halcrow - on the riots in Kaduna, Anger over Jewish ministry report, Volume 06 number 06, 2000-07-01/2000-07-31
Record growth for men’s convention by Jeremy Halcrow, Forget Olympic evangelism ban, we need home hosts’, Moore graduation sees first woman ThD by Margaret Rodgers, Campsie’s multicultural birthday, Grasping the lay presidency debate, ESL ministry grows into church, Volume 06 number 03, 2000-04-01/2000-04-30
Americans on notice, First missionaries sent to Russia, Italy, Indigenous testimony to God’s glory by Jeremy Halcrow, Students discover real holiday spirit by Amy Morton - AFES conferences in Woolongong and Stanwell Tops, Anti-Christian riots spread in Indonesia by Jeremy Halcrow, First gospels for E Timor, Church kids not immune from youth crisis, Katoomba lost its youth but gained the world by Amy Morton - on those who return to Katoomba Youth Conference, Doctrine Commission sparks debate on 'subordination' between sexes., Volume 06 number 01, 2000-02-01/2000-02-29