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Colson reflects on the two perspectives that God has given him to view the world. He reports that prison does not rehabilitate, and yet God is working amongst inmates. Colson stresses that we must be looking to change the hearts of inmates, otherwise prison is useless. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label and insert reads : "Colson"


Morris explores Jesus' arrest, death and resurrection from the perspective of the disciples. He shows that we are all fallen and in need of salvation, as offered in Christ., Cassette label reads : "Leon Morris 1975 EC Sunday sermon 4 translations commentary 1 Cor 15" Cassette insert reads : "Leon Morris - 1 Cor 15 EC '75" Easter Convention


Morris looks at 1 Corinthians. He gives an overview of the issues tackled by the letter because the church was facing them. He explains what testimony is, and contrasts earthly wisdom with God's wisdom. Morris looks at the ancient context of the Greek Old Testament. He shows that we are saved through the Spirit, and not through our works.


Oliver speaks on Ephesians 2. He shows that we start dead spiritually, and can contribute nothing to our salvation. Thus, we are all on the same level before God. Oliver explains the relationship between grace and works., Cassette label reads : "P. Oliver Eph. 2 1:10 starts part way in" Poor sound quality and white noise at the start.


Piper lays out the biblical and historical context of 1 Samuel 11. He looks at the leadership qualities possessed by Saul, and tries to identify with Samuel by examining his actions at Saul's coronation. Piper encourages the audience to have a ministry of prayer. Piper explores the importance of obedience through Saul's disobedience by making sacrifice alone. He stresses the importance of seeking God's approval rather than man's approval, including in speaking truth. Piper explores Samuel's obedience in the annoiting of David, despite being angry with Yahweh., Cassette label reads : "Reg Piper 1 Samuel talk 4" Cassette insert adds "St James 74 1 Samuel talks 4 5 6"


Chin stresses that God's word has not failed, but instead is being fulfilled in Christ, despite both Israel's sin. He looks at Paul's desire for the Jews to be saved. Chin shows that Christ is the end of the law because Christ shows that he is the only way that we can be saved - through faith alone. He looks at the Jew's choice to ignore this and how it affects Paul. Chin shows that there is nothing that we can do to earn our salvation. He stresses that our faith must be public. Chin shares some examples of responses to public faith.


List of the negatives held in the collection


Listing of the negatives held in the collection


Winter looks at the confusion between Bible schools against Theological school against Christian Schools. Winter looks at the history of Christian education in the United States. He looks at the types of students who are sent to Bible Schools, highlighting that secular students are sent because their parents could not go. He looks at how this has changed the curriculum. However, he looks at how these colleges are perceived as an alternative place of education for those who did not get into secular universities. He shows that this is resulting in the wrong student body when these purposes are confused. Winter looks at the need for education to have a balance of both secular and religious education. He stresses that training for pastors needs to have a wider context so that pastors can preach in a way that the congregation can understand and apply to their lives. Winter compares secular with religious accreditation. He explains that accreditation is important for pastors, as this is also expected of workers. He focuses on blue collar, (that is, those working outside of an office), with some application for this group. 1. Gifts to be there and developed through training 2. The church to recognise and give the authority to those people who have the training. , Original call number : C 268 HOL


The second Moore College Library lecture, given in the T.C. Hammond Room on 9th April, 1976.


PhD thesis by Joel Atwood exploring the uses of חּר in Biblical Wisdom Texts, including Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job. Abstract reads : "Text: רוּח ַ is a central term in the thought-world of the Hebrew Bible, and also strongly polysemous, able to refer to meteorological (wind), anthropological (breath, spirit), theological (Spirit), and other non-human creaturely (spirits) phenomena. Many efforts to date have examined רוּח ַ via the theological uses and seek to relate the divine Spirit to other use of the term. This study attempts an alternative approach by focusing upon the relatively understudied anthropological uses of רוּח ַ. To examine how רוּח ַ is used with reference to human persons, we employ several approaches and insights from the field of Cognitive Linguistics to examine in detail the רוּח ַ-texts from the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. The restricted sub-corpus allows for extensive examination of the contexts of the instances of רוּח ַ enriched with the insights of cognitive semantics and cognitive approaches to figurative language. Using our analysis, we will suggest a provisional construction of the relationships between the different senses of רוּח ַ when used to refer to a human person that provides insight into something of the conceptual structure that is evoked when רוּח ַ is used in these ancient texts. This project contributes both to the understanding of the texts themselves via the incorporation of multiple approaches from the field of Cognitive Linguistics and provides a richer understanding of how a sub-section of uses of רוּח ַ is used to depict the human person and its experiences, especially as to how a concrete and embodied sense such as breath is developed through metonymy, metaphor, and semantic association to generate many of the diverse uses in biblical Hebrew." 1. The Elusive רוּח 2. The Protean רוּח 3. The Liminal רוּח - Ecclesiastes 4. The Exhausted רוּח - Job 5. The Path of the רוּח - Conclusions


Abstract reads : "This thesis examines a form of action that is observed in 25 separate passages in the NT but has received virtually no significant theological attention in the Christian tradition: the ‘one-another edifying speech’ (OES) of the Christian community. This form of speech-act is defined as one in which the speaker is a general member of the Christian community (not a recognized or authorized teacher or leader), the hearer is a fellow member (or members) of the community, the content concerns some aspect or application of Christian revelation, and the purpose is to bring spiritual benefit or growth to the hearer. Ethics is an appropriate discipline of thought within which to examine OES, since it entails exploring the theological nature, purposes and practice of morally significant forms of action in the world (of which OES is one, according to the way that it is portrayed in the NT). The method followed is firstly to trace key apostolic trains of thought regarding OES in 1 Corinthians, Ephesians and Hebrews; then to synthesize and explore three significant theological themes that emerge from this exegetical analysis (the relation of OES to the word of God, to the moral transformation of believers, and to the nature of Christian community); and finally, to construct a coherent theological framework to inform the deliberation of contemporary Christian communities. The main findings are threefold. Firstly, OES shares with more recognized forms of congregational teaching and preaching (CTP) a close relation to the apostolic gospel, in source, content and purpose. OES and CTP are, in this sense, different species of the one genus of speech-act—one which by the power of the Spirit seeks to bring the christocentric word of God to bear on the lives of its hearers. Secondly, the key differences between OES and CTP are to be found in the particular functions they serve in the Christian community, in relation to the moral learning and growth of believers. OES is both itself a form of sanctified human speech, and also a means by which moral transformation and growth proceeds in the lives of believers. OES plays a particularly important role in speaking with practical immediacy to the moral deliberations and actions of fellow believers. Thirdly, the Christian community is not only created and constituted by Christ’s word and Spirit, but continues to live and grow as its members encounter one as ‘bringers of the message of salvation’ (in Bonhoeffer’s words). Bonhoeffer’s Life Together provides a theologically compelling picture of OES as the highest form of Christian service. The thesis concludes with an integrated theological understanding of OES, to serve as a framework for the practical deliberation of contemporary Christian communities." Part I: One-another edifyingspeech (OES) as a subject fortheological investigation Part II: Apostolic trains of thought Part III: Synthesis and interaction Part IV: Conclusions, A thesis submitted at Moore Theological College in fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.


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