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Irvine looks at church growth and the doctrine of the church, that this that we use the church as an instrument of growth, i.e. we change so that the church will grow because of outsiders. He explores why it is strange for non-believers to come into church. Irvine examines what is beneficialt for the church and what is beneficial for the visitor. He talks about presenting the Bible in a culturally relevant way, without dropping the standard of teaching., Cassette label reads : "Biblical Foundations of Church Growth Rod Irvine (2) 29.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Irvine speaks on the foundations for church growth, expounding 1 Corinthians 3. He shows that the minister is of no importance, it is God who is doing all the work. Irvine explores the importance of being careful where we build. He expounds the imagery of 1 Corinthians, and the implications for ministers. Irvine explores when people are being offended by the gospel, and when they are being offended by us. He stresses that there are basic things that we can do to improve instead of blaming God., Cassette label reads : "Biblical Foundations of Church Growth Rod Irvine (1) 28.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies" Speaker suggests that the date may be 1994


Corbett-Jones explores the role and experiences of the working mother., Cassette label reads : "Working Mums Christine Corbett-Jones 13.9.94 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Corbett-Jones presents stats on divorce rates in Australia. He shows how painful it is when one partner in a couple is seeking change and the other is not willing to help in the change. Corbett-Jones explores the issues that cause relationships to break down. He then explores the effects of divorce on children, and how people transfer the rejection from earthly fathers to God, and to future partners. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "Divorce and the family Michael Corbett-Jones 14.9.94 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Warren shares some of the challenges for Chinese churches in ministry, based on his experiences in Redfern and Surrey Hills. He encourages his listeners to find ways to make the way they present the gospel more relevant, without changing or watering down the gospel., Cassette label reads : "Aussie churches having a go Chalmers Preb. Warren Ling 29.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Manchester speaks on responding to disaster, especially following a tsunami. He shows both the greatness of God, and the goodness of God. Manchester explores that weakness helps us to depend on God., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church Tsunami Rememberance service 16.01.05 10am Simon Manchester"


Manchester explores the historical similarities and differences between Catholics and Protestants. He highlights the shared history, and some areas where Catholics can be praised. Manchester looks at how we can be sure, and how we can be saved. Manchester explores the differences between grace and the catholic teaching, which includes tradition. He explains some of the different understandings of terms such as grace, and the lack of assurance that is brought by catholicism., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church Heresies Afloat 3. 'Catholics and Protestants - do we agree?' 29.5.05 10am Simon Manchester", Heresies Afloat


Manchester shares his convictions regarding preaching. He looks at some of the passages that have shaped his convictions, Cassette label reads : "Aussie churches having a go - Nth. Sydney Ang. Simon Manchester 30.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Matthews speaks on child abuse. She shares her personal testimony about the effects of abuse, as well as the effects generally. She explains the effects to look out for at different ages, and how we can support survivors. Matthews highlights the role of forgiveness, and when it becomes active., LISTENERS SHOULD BE ADVISED - relates to self-harm and suicide. Cassette label reads : "Hope for the child-abused Cathy Ann Matthews 14.9.94 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Piggin speaks on previous church revivals, and their benefits for society generally. He stresses the importance of prayer and unity in the lead up to revivals. Piggin shows that revivals are accompanied by the revitalisation of the church, the conversation of large numbers of unbelievers, and the reduction of sinful practises in the community. He explores quantifiable and kingdom growth., Cassette label reads : Is the way forward revival or church growth? Stuart Piggin 30.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Piggin explores how parenthood has been viewed throughout church history. He uses Luther as a case study. Piggin explores the responsibility of parents in teaching their children., Cassette label reads : "Parents and children in Church history Stuart Piggin 14.9.94 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Piggin explores the ways women and sex are viewed throughout church history., Cassette label reads : Marriage and Divorce in church history Stuart Piggin13.9.94 Robert Menzies College of Christian Studies"


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