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Bolt speaks on heaven from Hebrews 8-9. 1. What's going on in heaven? 2. What's it got to do with me? Will I be there one day? Sermon given at St Matthias church


Woodhouse speaks on our consciences, including the things that our on our conscience, looking at what they are like before God. Woodhouse explores the role of the priest in offering sacrifices for making atonement but could not clean the conscience. He looks at how Jesus cleanses our consciences. St Matthias Greek Bible Fellowship


Jensen speaks on choice and freedom, and why we find them threatening. 1. The future summed up in Jesus 2. The future : living for high steaks 3. The future : Jesus' triumph St Matthias Centennial Park evening service


Peterson speaks on Hebrews 10:19-39 1. Two things we have 2. Three things that we should be doing St Matthias Greek Bible Fellowship


Woodhouse looks at what a Christian life is. One group shrinks back from God, and the other draws near to God. He looks at what people mean by believing, and how this is different to what the Bible says faith is. Woodhouse explains that we often look in the wrong place for answers to questions, and that we must always ask the right questions/look in the right places for our answers. Woodhouse looks at the examples that Hebrews give of people of faith. He shows that by trusting in Jesus we belong to this group. Woodhouse explains the analogy of running a race, and that it is trusting in Jesus that gets us to the finish line.


St Matthias Partners' Input Day


Talk given at St Matthias church


Bolt looks at three questions people ask which reflect the uncertainty that society faces. 1. Is God there? 2. Does God care? 3. Does it matter anyway? Sermon given at Wednesday church (St Matthias)


Judges 6-8, The Bible Talks


St Matthias Centennial Park sermon


Jensen speaks on the basics of the Christian life from 2 Thessalonians 3. 1. Prayer 2. Evangelism 3. Authority 4. Work Sermon given at St Matthias church


Jensen shows that questions about the future indicate and shape how we think about the present. 1. The God-man relationships a) The essence of the Christian life b) Working together 2. The end of history 2. Sermon given at St Matthias Church


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