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Nagel explores what our priorities are as Christians, by exploring Acts 1. Nagel looks at the priorities of the disciples and their context at the time of Pentecost. He looks at the Apostles and their authority, and the real, historical evidence of the Bible. Followed by Question and Answer., Cassette label reads: "NC9102 Kerry Nagel, AFES 1991 Acts 1:1-26 Mediums of religion"
Tattersall speaks on 2 Samuel 11, Cassette label reads : "Temptation The temptation to be loved 2 Sam 11 4/5/03 Luke Tattersall Family church camp".
Tattersall speaks on Ecclesiastes 2:17-25 and Luke 12:13-21., Cassette label reads : "Temptation The temptation to be successful Eccl 2:17-25, Lk 12:13-21 3/5/03 Luke Tattersall Family church camp".
Kruse is interviewed. Kruse provides context to 2 Corinthians 10-12, including the criticisms of the false-teachers, and issues around the collection. Exploration of Eve's mind being deceived just as the Corinthians seem to be being deceived, followed by contemporary deception of the minds. Kruse explores what it means for us to be involved in warfare to win over thought to obey Christ. He talks about the importance of faithful, solid teaching., Cassette label reads: "479401 Colin Kruse 2 Corinthians 10-12 The Battle for the Mind"
On the nature of death, the fear of death, using illustrations of deaths of key players from the Second World War. Jensen compares this to Jesus' death, and how it could be just for Jesus to die. Jensen the explores the historicity of the resurrection. He then explains the impact of the gospel, that Jesus has been made the Lord of the Universe, and we should also say Yes to Jesus and submit to him as Lord. We have seen the defeat of evil and of death. The resurrection is the first resurrection of the general resurrection, thus providing a hope. The talk is followed by question and answer on Resurrection., Casssette label reads: "T9501 Dr Peter Jensen Resurrection: Myth or Reality? Easter 1995"
McDonald looks at what the Bible says about marriage, in the context of whether or not one has a good relationship with God. He looks at God's design for it - to be permanent, and to bring up offspring, and so it is not supposed to be separated, and so that the children might grow to know the Lord. It is also designed for a sexual relationship, and McDonald highlights relevant passages to suport this. McDonald then speaks the effect sin has on the relationship between the man and the woman and between them and God. McDonald compares our relationship with God to Jesus' relationship with God., Cassette label reads : "David McDonald The perfect marriage Crossroads am 17/05/98", End of talk is missing from tape.
McDonald discusses our need for human connection. He highlights some books which say a lot about friendship. He shows what a true friend should be like, and why Jesus is a true friend. McDonald discusses our friendship with God, and why sin has damaged it, and thus what it means to be God's enemy., Cassette label reads : "David McDonald The perfect friendship Crossroads pm 17/05/98"
McDonald discusses God's guidance, both his methods and his promises. He explores how the Spirit and the Word work together. McDonald explores that we run to God's freedom and ignore his promises, and encourages his listeners to not play up God's freedom or play down God's promises. McDonald reminds his listeners that God is soverign and is able to guide. He explores God working his will through our will, with examples from Acts and from Genesis. Detailed discussion on applying the Bible to decision-making., Cassette label reads : "FP9206 David McDonald Christian Decisions (Part B)"
Relationship with God is supernatural. Talking about the supernatural and the work of demons, Satan, other created evil beings. Discussion of the devil's role of tempting humans, and human's position as children of the devil. Discussion of the temptation and conflict between Jesus and Satan, and the power of the cross to save. McDonald looks at the spoils of victory from Ephesians. Discussion of the relationship between the Jews, Samaritans and Gentiles, and the significance of the transformation that happens when the gospel goes out to Samaria and to the ends of the earth through Jesus' resurrection power. Encourages listeners to live out the reality of the gospel, so as to build up maturity, and to live differently to their former selves. McDonald explores some areas where people often need to change., Cassette label reads: "FP9305 David McDonald Spiritual Warfare focus tapes Focal Point 15 July 93"
David McDonald continues a Bible overview, with sin, Cassette label reads : "FP9001 David McDonald The Big Picture 1: Creation 2. Sin focus tapes FOCAL POINT 1990"
McDonald speaks on Revelation 7 at a Dickson Baptist Combined Service., Cassette label reads : "669401 David McDonald Revelation 7 No tears in Heaven focus tapes Dickson Baptist Combined Service, 16/10/94"
McDonald speaks on Matthew 7:13-29., Cassette label reads : "399412 David McDonald Matthew 7:13-29 The most frightening words in the Bible Focus 9/5/94"