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The Christian Faith series


Debate on meaning of the cross, UK Government funds gay activists in Anglican church, New Archbishop’s primary goal must not be unity - on the primary goal and the role of unity, A church with open arms - on being a welcoming church, No Christian is a ‘foreigner’ - on the inclusiveness of church to all nations, Choosing life by Amy Butler - on how hard it is for women from low SES backgrounds to avoid abortion, Nowhere to go by Amy Butler - on asylum seekers, Vision splendid by Jeremy Halcrow - on the election of the next archbishop, Peter Jensen, Volume 07 number 04, 2001-05-01/2001-05-31


Religious freedom not yet assured by Jeremy Halcrow, Hands linked on centre for city’s youth by Geoff Robson - on the launch of a Sunday evening youth service at St Andrews Cathedral, Letters force Woodhouse to resign - on the resignation of John Woodhouse from chairman of the Committee of Enquiry into the Anglican Counselling Centre., Australians divided over death - on whether or not abortion should be allowed, Sydney Anglican Deposit Plan - on financial investment. This ad occurs monthly, encouraging readers to invest in fixed-term deposits., New year hope for reconciliation - Harry Goodhew's address for the new year, Australians can help end Sudan’s war, Tough plan to deal with gay crisis by Margaret Rodgers and Geoff Robson, Division over same-sex rites - on a church in Canada that has decided the bless same-sex unions, Taliban threatens death penalty to all converts, The heart of the atonement, World is not enough - on the ordination and service of Neville Naden and Ray Welsh, Volume 07 number 01, 2001-02-01/2001-02-28


Articles of particular note include:, Clergy support women preaching - explaining a report which showed support for women preaching, New law threatens foster care by Michelle Haines - covering the upcoming legislation giving LGBTQI people foster rights., HK Christians urged to stay - Lo Lung Kwong urged believers in Hong Kong to stay there after the area is formally handed back to China, From the mouths of babes by Patricia Judge - exploring the damaging effects of abortion, Hallelujah: an alternative halloween! by Jane Thomas - with a suggestion of other types of parties that could be held on 31st October., Volume 02 number 07, 1996-09-01/1996-09-30


Abortion - Law and legislation, Abortion - Political aspects, Brisbane, Queensland


Abortion - Law and legislation, Abortion - Political aspects, Brisbane, Queensland


We can take more' - on Synod's call to increase Australia's refugee intake and the ways the Anglican church can assist refugees, Phone abortion 'commerce not care', Bishop Lee seriously ill - on Ivan Lee's diagnosis with pancreatic cancer, Synod reaffirms marriage, To plant or to pot? - on planting new churches in contrast to supporting existing smaller churches in the same area, Safe Ministry revamp - on changes to Safe Ministry training, Locum motion - on service after retirement for clergy, 2015-11-01/2015-11-30


Smith acknowledges that this is a difficult topic, highlighting that the only positive aspect is the forgiveness offered to everyone. She briefly covers the history of the debates in Australia and New South Wales, and how we are different to the United States. Smith details the existing laws around abortion. Smith looks at what abortion is, how terms are understood, and side effects of abortion. Smith raises linguistic moves made by pro-choice groups to make abortion seem attractive. 1. Prevention of abortion 2. Informed, faithful pastoral care


Grimmill summarises the history of abortion. He explains the legal situation in England, and the effect of the watershed law. Grimmill shows that when an organism becomes a person is what is up for debate. He presents some atheist perspectives on life and the value of human life, and the damage of not seeing people as made in the image of God. Grimmill challenges his audience to challenge their friends around their pre-supposition, and what it means for life if there is no God., Cassette label reads : "Women on Wednesday Abortion : facts and fiction Andy Grimmill", Women on Wednesdays


Grimmill takes questions following his talk on m4998a., Cassette label reads : "Women on Wednesday Abortion : facts and fiction (questions) Andy Grimmill", Women on Wednesdays


Thompson speaks on the uprising in Hong Kong. He speaks against the slaughter of the innocence here, and the culture of death in Australia with the legalisation of late-term abortion. Thompson stresses that we need to remember that Jesus is our only hope, and that Jesus has authority from Matthew 8:23-34. Thompson shows that there is a moment of decision, as seen in the response from those who heard of the healing of the possessed man.


Kuhn and VanDrunen discuss the place of politics in God's world. He defines political theology as thinking theologically about political things. VanDrunen explains two kingdoms theology - that God is ultimately in control, but that he has put government in this world and works through it. VanDrunen highlights the extremes of avoiding politics or conflating them together. VanDrunen and Kuhn explores the complexities of policies, and encourages the listeners to vote. VanDrunen comments on the wisdom of helping people to think theologically about politics.


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