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Religious freedom not yet assured by Jeremy Halcrow, Hands linked on centre for city’s youth by Geoff Robson - on the launch of a Sunday evening youth service at St Andrews Cathedral, Letters force Woodhouse to resign - on the resignation of John Woodhouse from chairman of the Committee of Enquiry into the Anglican Counselling Centre., Australians divided over death - on whether or not abortion should be allowed, Sydney Anglican Deposit Plan - on financial investment. This ad occurs monthly, encouraging readers to invest in fixed-term deposits., New year hope for reconciliation - Harry Goodhew's address for the new year, Australians can help end Sudan’s war, Tough plan to deal with gay crisis by Margaret Rodgers and Geoff Robson, Division over same-sex rites - on a church in Canada that has decided the bless same-sex unions, Taliban threatens death penalty to all converts, The heart of the atonement, World is not enough - on the ordination and service of Neville Naden and Ray Welsh, Volume 07 number 01, 2001-02-01/2001-02-28


NSW Health officially recognises chaplains by Judy Adamson, Indigenous ministry revamp, Afghan Christians plead for their lives by Andrew Buerger, Sometimes it's OK to talk about poo by Heather Veitch - on the importance of playgroups, Beat the housing squeeze by Jeremy Halcrow - on the lack of affordability in the Sydney housing market, Caring well by Angus Belling - on Anglicare's model for providing care, Saul : a test case for eternal security by Paul Williamson, Now they're speaking my language! by Martin Olmos - on the translation of the Preliminary Theological Certificate into Spanish and Chinese, Are we teaching that Christ is irrelevant clutter? by Trevor Cooling - on teaching Christ in Christian Schools, For Richer and Poorer by Andrew Robinson - on our relationship with material objects following the Global Finanical Crisis, 2010-10-01/2010-10-31


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