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The second Moore College Library lecture, given in the T.C. Hammond Room on 9th April, 1976.


This guide was originally compiled by Matthew Platt and Kathleen Verdich in 1987. This updated version was created in 2015 with annotations by Erin Mollenhauer.


A paper read to the Church of England Historical Society (Diocese of Sydney), Thursday 4 February 1971


Authors explore the debate around same-sex marriage within the wider Anglican Church leadership. They consider the Biblical teaching, legality, theology and pastoral care. Authors also analyse the decisions made in New Zealand.


Malone, Neville, Anglican Church of Australia - Diocese of Sydney


Robinson, Donald William Bradley (1922-2018), St Andrew's Cathedral (Sydney, N.S.W.), Anglican Church of Australia - Diocese of Sydney - Archbishop


Robinson, Donald William Bradley (1922-2018), St Andrew's Cathedral (Sydney, N.S.W.), Anglican Church of Australia - Diocese of Sydney - Archbishop, Shilton, Lancelot Rupert (1921-1998)


Speakers explore the boundary between belief and unbelief, and the boundaries of diversity within the church. Speaker argues that Christians should not draw boundaries. Second speaker examines what belief means in a post-modern society, as lived out by society, and argues that Christianity is what connects us to the past, and transforms the future. He looks at the people in society that Anglican surveys miss, and are excluded by the church - prostitues, violence and drug dependants, to affirm our doctrine of humanity. He argues that the church needs to change their perspective of these groups, our assumption that church is for the middle-class. Speaker calls on the church to care for those in the darkness, and marginalised by mainstream society, as God is working in these area, and that the Bible reveals this to us. Third speaker explores the different ways people understand the term 'Anglican', and what makes a church a church. He illustrates this with the churches in the first century which had incorrect doctrine, and yet are still called a church by Paul. He stresses the importance of mutual respect amongst believers, even when there is disagreement., First part of talk 3 is missing. Cassette label reads : "National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 4 Boundaries of our Anglican Identity"


Alphabetical register of churches around Australia with significant events listed chronologically.


Chronological list of important events relating to the Anglican Church which took place in Sydney, from 1786-1887.


Loane, Marcus Lawrence (1911-2009), Anglican Church of Australia


Loane, Marcus Lawrence (1911-2009), Anglican Church of Australia


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