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Cameron explores the history of politics in Australia, including the Westminister system, and Indigenous politics. He examines various Bible passages that speak to politics and faith. Cameron provides some contempory issues that Christians think about, where it can be easy to think about and where it can be tricky. He explores ways Christians think including demarkation and restoration.


Raiter speaks on the topic of freedom and authority. He explores traditions that are helpful and unhelpful. Questions at the end, including discussion on what justifies text as scripture., Cassette label reads : "Michael Raiter - Side 1 : 'Authority' Side 2: 'Inspiration' Cass 4 Canberra Christian Youth Convention"


Lewers talks on Romans 13 and the way we should be living in relation to authority. He explores this theme throughout the whole Bible. He goes on to the role of the governing authority, and the ways we respond to them. Lewers gives both contemporary examples and examples from Daniel. Discussion of living under ungodly leaders in the question and answer segment., Cassette label reads: "6/10 The virtue of living in debt"


Cooks speaks on greatness in the kingdom of heaven., Cassette label reads : "Citizens know what Greatness is all about 1988 KYC Speaker : David Cook"


Raiter explores freedom and authority, and their relationship. He examines the relationship between the Word of God and the Church. Raiter explores some of the other things that are held as authority in place of the Bible. The talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "CC8704 (library) Michael Raiter A : Why you need the Bible B : Why you can trust the Bible"

Jensen challenges the audience to give thanks for other believers. He highlights the types of things that Paul prays for in relation to other believers. Jensen looks at the illustration of the body in the prayer, and how this was understood in the ancient world. Questions are taken from the floor. Jensen shows that Jesus has been given complete authority, and argues that there is no free will. He explores the relationship between the Father and the Son, and the role of Fathers. Jensen looks at the role between faith and works.


Stott expounds Matthew 4:10-11. He argues that worshiping and obeying God is the only way of dealing with temptation. Stott argues that we can't just do what we like, but that we need to live for God, and that we need prohibitions for our good. He stresses the importance to live under God's word, as Christ lived under God's word. Stott encourages his listeners to resist the devil in the name of Jesus., Cassette label reads : "Jesus Christ and morality/John Stott" White noise throughout.


Stott explores the issues between Paul and the Judaisers in Galatians, to provide the context of Galatians. 1. Authority - who to believer? 2. Salvation - how to be made right with God? 3. Holiness - how do we learn to control our desires and live a life of righteousness and love?, Reel label reads : "Galatians tape 10", All Souls Church, London


Stott shows that true freedom includes being subject to authority. He shows that God should always be our chief authority. Stott examines what our freedom should and should not be used for., Already ingested (002000317b.mp3) but this copy has better sound quality Reel label reads : "XII Tensions Freedom and Submission" Reel box label reads : "1 and 2 a) 23-10 b) 22.5 minutes"


Windsor speaks on praying for authorities from 1 Timothy 2:1-7. He reminds his listeners that Christ's death and resurrection is for all humanity, and thus we should be praying for all, and seeking to be sharing the gospel with all., Preached during the 2021 lockdown, 11 days after the anti-lockdon protests


Orr expounds 2 Corinthians 10:1-8. He looks at Paul's agenda in preaching the gospel and challenging the super-apostles in this passage. He looks at the authority of both Paul, and in Christian ministry generally. Constructional teaching involves necessary warfare against false teaching, but also building people up by building people up by being gentle, including our opponents.


Manchester expounds 1 Timothy 2:8-15, exploring the order that God has given to creation, especially between men and women within the church. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church The church of the living God 'A church that helps the gospel' 1 Timothy 2:8-15 Simon Manchester"


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