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Leon Morris speaks on 1 Corinthians 1:1-17., Cassette label reads : "CCYC 8.8.87 Talk 1" Box label reads : "Dr Leon Morris 1 Corinthians 1:1-17, 8, 13 46 87 1-3 CCYC 1987"
Forsyth looks at what is evangelism, exploring the use of the Greek term throughout the Bible, including places where we may not have expected to find it. He looks at the evangelistic methods used by people throughout the Bible. Forsyth looks that the content of the message that is proclaimed, and the style of the evangelism, as well as the purpose of evangelism. He explores the role of baptism beside evangelism., Cassette label reads : "Rob Forsyth The task of evangelism 1 hr 24 mins 97006 AFES National Conference 1997 Talk 1" Box label reads : "'The truth is there' A series on evangelism by Rob Forsyth"
Davies speaks on the topic of baptism, so that the audience can understand what it is. Baptism is a disciple-making activity. Davies compares John's repentance baptism to Jesus' promise baptism, and the baptism of the disciples as a disciple-making activity. Davies explores baptism in the Old Testament, including the reference to Noah's preaching to those who were rebuking the building of the ark, and the drinking from the rock and eating manna as spiritual food. He explains that Israel is feeding on Christ, in contrast to the Lord's supper. Davies shows from the same passage that baptism by itself does not save. Davies explores the role of baptism for children, and the importance of training children in the way of the Lord., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church 'Baptism' 30.6.02 p.m. Glenn Davies"
Quadrio speaks on Philippians 3. He looks at what we are not saved by, and that we are saved by grace. Quadio explores the questions of : 1. Will we matter here? 2. Will we have eternal life? Quadrio looks at the places people look to to find value that do not save : 1. Circumcision and baptism 2. Pedigree or birth 3. Religious observance, Cassette label reads : "In understanding, live! Are you good enough to please God? Phlippians 3:1-21 - Richard Quadrio Trinity Chapel Macquarie"
Lucas expounds John 3:1-31. He explores what the passage teaches us about Jesus, from the question asked by Nicodemus. Lucas places the passage in it's Biblical context, including the Trinitarian elements that come through. 1. Spirit - experience of the Spirit - received through Jesus, and needed to see the Kingdom of God (v.1-9) Salvation through a living hope, yet coming with trials 2. Jesus - grounds for belief and why we should. Jesus came from heaven, and must be lifted up (or die). (v.10-15). Real evidence. 3. God - why people do or don't believe in a God of love. Because of sin, and whether or not you are willing to recognise it, and how this enable God to show us his love. Lucas explores how John uses the term 'no-one', to show the role of Jesus. He looks at the meaning and role of baptism, both in this passage and in Ezekiel 36. Jesus' cruxifiction leads to both his glory and our salvation. Lucas explores that God chooses us, but we must respond and come into the light., Cassette label reads : "Evidence, faith life - talk 2 (John 3) Dick Lucas 1999 KEC"
Throughout the talk Smith explores the Old Testament references. Smith expounds Hebrews 5:11-6:20. 1. 5:11-14 - rebuke to readers because of immaturity. 2. 6:1-4 - the logic of the sentences. Writer's proposal that he help them grow in maturity and understand Christ 6:5-end - baptism - more like washing/ceremonial washings, and the relationship between that and the laying on of hands. He explains the Jewish understanding of washing., Two separate talks??? Cassette label reads : "Lectures to students at Sydney Missionary and Bible College Hebrews B. Smith L 11, 12 1987"
1. Man's chief problem is our sin 2. What did Christ lead his followers to expect? 3. We must be born again, which is a work of God 4. An instantaneous work of God 5. Two types of birth - Kingdom of Earth and Kingdom of God, Reel label reads : "6 questions tape 2 J. Stott"