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Irvine looks at church growth and the doctrine of the church, that this that we use the church as an instrument of growth, i.e. we change so that the church will grow because of outsiders. He explores why it is strange for non-believers to come into church. Irvine examines what is beneficialt for the church and what is beneficial for the visitor. He talks about presenting the Bible in a culturally relevant way, without dropping the standard of teaching., Cassette label reads : "Biblical Foundations of Church Growth Rod Irvine (2) 29.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Irvine speaks on the foundations for church growth, expounding 1 Corinthians 3. He shows that the minister is of no importance, it is God who is doing all the work. Irvine explores the importance of being careful where we build. He expounds the imagery of 1 Corinthians, and the implications for ministers. Irvine explores when people are being offended by the gospel, and when they are being offended by us. He stresses that there are basic things that we can do to improve instead of blaming God., Cassette label reads : "Biblical Foundations of Church Growth Rod Irvine (1) 28.9.93 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies" Speaker suggests that the date may be 1994


Lewers speaks on death, and that it is not the hope of the Christian, because of Jesus death and resurrection. Lewers explores the events of the resurrection, including the resurrection itself and Jesus' predictions of his resurrection. He shows that without the resurrection we would still be in fear of death., Cassette label reads : "Matt 28 17/09/96 Rick Lewers" Box label reads : "Matt 21-28 Focus Semester 2, 1996 Misc preachers"


Morris explores Jesus' arrest, death and resurrection from the perspective of the disciples. He shows that we are all fallen and in need of salvation, as offered in Christ., Cassette label reads : "Leon Morris 1975 EC Sunday sermon 4 translations commentary 1 Cor 15" Cassette insert reads : "Leon Morris - 1 Cor 15 EC '75" Easter Convention


Morris expounds 1 Corinthians 8-10, exploring the issues of idols and food offered to idols within the historical context. He compares it to circumcision. Morris explores Paul's imagery from the Greek society. He explores this imagery in relation to communion in contrast to eating in a temple. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "JLR, Leon Morris-1975 1 Cor 8 Main session 2 side 1" Cassette insert reads : "Leon Morris - 1 Cor. 8-10 1975 E.C. No.2." Easter Convention


Morris expounds 1 Corinthians 15, exploring Paul's reminders of the centrality of the gospel and what the gospel is. Morris expounds the chapter verse by verse. He especially details a physical resurrection both for Christ and for us. Questions throughout. Morris explores the wonder of the resurrection body. Morris explains that God keeps growing him and teaching him as he gets older., Cassette label reads : "E.C. 1975 Leon Morris Session 4 'Life from the Dead'" Cassette insert reads : "Leon Morris - 1 Cor 15 EC 1975 no.4" Easter Convention


Morris speaks on 1 Corinthians 13 and the Greek terms eros and agape. He explains the definitions of the greek terms. He explores what happens when we start to view people as God views people, as the objects of God's love. Morris explores the role of prophets in comparison to preachers. Morris works through the different characteristics of agape. Morris explores the importance of the characteristic of hope., Cassette label reads :EC 1975 - no 3 Leon Morris Love Christian style 1 Cor 13"


Morris looks at 1 Corinthians. He gives an overview of the issues tackled by the letter because the church was facing them. He explains what testimony is, and contrasts earthly wisdom with God's wisdom. Morris looks at the ancient context of the Greek Old Testament. He shows that we are saved through the Spirit, and not through our works.


Mansfield speaks on Proverbs 30:5. He speaks on our human ability to lie, and God's inability to lie. He argues that : 1. God reveals himself through his word 2. God rescues through his word


Maina speaks on Philippians 1:1-11. He explores the challenges of exporting western mission, the decline of the western church and the catch-up of the rest of the world. He challenges his audience to capitalise on the 2/3rds world movement, as they are sending more missionaries then the 1st world. Mania explores mission partnerships from Philippians 1. 1. Mission partnerships flow out of God's grace 2. The foundation of mission partnerships is the gospel. 3. Developing cross-cultural missional partnerships


Mania explores finding your place in God's mission, and instead we need to ask what can be the mutual mission we can share with each other? He argues the need of recipocitry from Philippians 4:10-20, and learning from other contexts to grow our understanding of God's world and mission.


Nagel looks at why we look for meaning in our lives and history, and that we can find meaning in life because of Jesus' death and resurrection. Nagel shows that Jesus knows he will suffer and die because he knows his scriptures. Nagel shows that Jesus is innocent and the accusers know it, and that we know that we are guilty. Nagel explores the titles that are given to Jesus in Matthew 26 and 27., Cassette label reads : "Matt 26-27 Kerry Nagel The Crux of Christianity Focus 10/9/96" Box label reads : "Matt 21-28 Focus Semester 2, 1996 Misc preachers"


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