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God - Wisdom, Bible. Matthew - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Election (Theology)


Abstract reads : "Despite much secondary literature on the Olivet Discourse and the Old Testament in Matthew’s Gospel, there remains a dearth of book-length research on Danielic mystery in Matthew’s Gospel, and Matthew’s Olivet Discourse. Our study endeavours to fill these gaps by pursuing a narrative-critical analysis of Matt 24–25 that deploys Matthew’s use of Danielic mystery as a key interpretative grid. In terms of methodology, we will adopt a narrative-critical approach complemented by Umberto Eco’s theories of the cultural encyclopedia, the model reader, and texts that train the model reader. From this perspective, the Olivet Discourse is an integral component of Matthew’s first-century narrative that emerged out of the Second Temple Jewish cultural encyclopedia. Also, Matthew’s model reader exhibits specific encyclopedic competence, which includes knowing τ"#ηθ&νδι*∆ανι-λτο0προφήτου (24:15) and its conception of mystery. Accordingly, Matt 24–25 shapes interpretation by invoking frames pertaining to Danielic and Matthean mystery, which the model reader actualises by understanding Jesus’s speech as an exploration of the notion. The focus of our investigation is, “How does attending to Danielic and Matthean mystery illuminate Matthew’s Olivet Discourse?” We propose a twofold answer to this question. Firstly, alertness to mystery, especially its form, content, and function, clarifies the main message and purpose of Matt 24–25. According to 24:4–35, the temple’s destruction signals the nearness of the Parousia of the Son of Man. Nevertheless, the end of the temple is simply the beginning of the (ultimate) end; only the second coming brings the present age to its completion. 24:36–25:46 reinforces the shift in focus from the temple to the Son of Man. These verses polemically distinguish the wise from the foolish and wicked in order to encourage alignment with the former who watch for the parousia. Secondly, Matthean mystery’s inaugurated eschatology explains the echoes of Matt 24–25 in Matt 26–28 in terms of preliminary fulfilment. The tearing of the temple veil (27:51) and the appearance of Jesus in Galilee (28:18) respectively commence the temple’s devastation and the Son of Man’s arrival predicted in the Olivet Discourse, while pointing to their future consummation. This, in turn, reinforces the main message and purpose of Matt 24–25 by directing attention from the temple to the Son of Man, in anticipation of his coming in the fullness of power and glory as universal judge." Chapter 1 : Introduction Chapter 2 : Danielic Mystery in Second Temple Judaism Chapter 3 : Mystery in Matthew's Gospel Chapter 4 : Matthean Mystery and the Olivet Discourse (I) : Matt 24:1-35 Chapter 5 : Matthean Mystery and the Olivet Discourse (II) : Matt 24:36-26:2 Chapter 6 : Matthean Mystery, the Olivet Discourse, and the Passion and Resurrection Narrative Chapter 7 : Conclusion Submitted in full fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Moore Theological College.


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