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Sermon given at College Chapel on 1 Corinthians 4:1-5


3 imperatives for mission from 2 Corinthians 5. Why leave culture and langage behind to take the gospel out? Because we are ambassadors of Christ, and because Christ has reconciled us to him by his son. Discussion of baptism and it's relation to faith.

Sermon given at Community Chapel on 2 Corinthians 4 - 5:10


Speaker expounds the second half of 1 Corinthians 15. He looks at the response of the Pharasees to Jesus' resurrection. He then compares this to response of the disciples. Speaker looks at the effect of evil on the world, and that we need help. He explains that the Easter message is the coming of that help., Reel label reads : "Tape 5 side 1 1974/1975 Easter Conf 4 tracks 17/5"


Speaker expounds 1 Corinthians 15. He works through Paul's summary or statement of faith, and the claims Paul makes to validate the resurrection. Speaker shows that the gospel is clear to everyone, and that Christ's resurrection is the key point. A few questions are taken during the talk. Speakers shows why we have assurance of our resurrection because Christ has been raised. He explains that resurrection is only possible because God makes it happen. Speaker looks at Paul's comparison of a natural and a spiritual body. He looks at how our lives are changed because of the resurrection., Reel label reads : "Tape 5 side 1 1974/1975 Easter Conf 4 tracks 17/5"


Fletcher shows that the weapons of Christian warfare are reading the Bible, prayer and holy living. He looks at Paul's desire to go to areas where the gospel had not been preached. Fletcher examines some of the heresies that are in existence, and encourages the audience to examine the motive of their preachers., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church 10am Houseparty session 1 Jonathan Fletcher" Talk cuts out at the end., We preach Christ crucified 1 Cor 1:23


Fletcher explores Paul's relationship with his churches, including their expectations and how Paul doesn't meet them. Fletcher explores Paul's spiritual experiences, and his lack of conceit. He shows that God uses those who are weak., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican Church 10am Houseparty session 2 Jonathan Fletcher", We preach Christ crucified 1 Cor 1:23


Jarrett explains that we were predestined by God before we sinned or did any good. She explains that God has revealed himself in the Bible, and thus we need to read it properly. Jarrett expounds Paul's imagery from 1 Corinthians 9. She shares stories of people who have continued to walk with Christ despite experiencing hardship., Cassette label reads : "Talk 4 Speaker : Narelle Jarrett 'God's word not chained'" Dominant white noise throughout. Cassette box reads : "MAC ministry conference 1991 'Approved by God' Masters 1. Talk 1 -A Talk 2 - B 2. Talk 3 - A Talk 4 - B", Approved by God Conference


Jarrett explains that we were predestined by God before we sinned or did any good. She explains that God has revealed himself in the Bible, and thus we need to read it properly. Jarrett expounds Paul's imagery from 1 Corinthians 9. She shares stories of people who have continued to walk with Christ despite experiencing hardship., Cassette label reads : "Talk 4 Speaker : Narelle Jarrett 'God's word not chained'" Dominant white noise throughout.


Jarrett looks at the sending of the Holy Spirit to live in us and give him access to us and us access to him. Jarrett addresses some key questions : 1. Does it matter how we live? 2. Is there any forgiveness for sin? 3. Transformation in coming to Christ, Cassette label reads : "Master Copy talk 3 - 1996 'A holy liaison'", Holy Liaison, a


Chapman explores what the Bible says about death and about heaven. He explains the assurance that we have that we have been saved because Christ has been raised. Chapman then looks at the implications of the resurrection for both this life and the next. Katoomba Easter Convention


Chapman explains that God's sovereignty does not remove our responsibility. He looks at a variety of passages to explain this. Chapman looks at 2 Corinthians 4 to explore ministry. He explains that God takes action because we are blind and dead because of our sins. Chapman looks at our natural tendancy to say no to God. He stresses that in Jesus we see God's glory, and that it is Jesus who enables us to wonder at God and say yes to him. Chapman shows that God does the regeneration, resurrection, and giving sight. Chapman then looks at our part - to preach Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as servants for Jesus. 2003 Katoomba Easter Convention


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