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Wilcock shows the importance of the Old Testament by highlighting the passages where Jesus and the Apostles take people back to the Old Testament to show Jesus is the Christ. He ties Old Testament shadows to the New Testament. Wilcock stresses the importance of being familiar with the Old Testament and being able to connect it to the New Testament. He presents the need to always present the cross as the centre of all evangelism., Cassette label reads : "11am 18/1 Wed Acts 3:18-21 Michael Wilcock A8905" Box label reads : "AFES 1989 - Michael Wilcock A89 1-5"


Raiter speaks on Acts 14:1-20, and the things people put their faith in other than god. Raiter looks at the context of Acts 14, and then at some 20th century examples., Cassette label reads : "No other name Something Stupid! Acts 14:1-20 3/12/03 Michael Raiter 030105 AFES NTE" Box label reads : "AFES NTE No other name A series of talks by Michael Raiter and Ricard Chin"


Tong expounds Acts 6:1-7 to look at the life of Stephen. He stresses the importance of prayer as a way of submitting to the purposes of God.


Tong expounds Acts 6:8-7:53. 1. The context of the speech 2. The content of the speech 3. Colour in the person of Stephen just a little bit more.


Tong speaks on Acts 7:54-60. He looks at three aspects : 1. How the Sanhedrin bares the image of their forefathers 2. How Stephen bares the image of Christ 3. How God advances his purposes through the death of a righteous man


The speaker discusses repentance and faith as gifts, and the role that they play in sharing the gospel. He goes on to discuss the role of the Spirit in relation to guidance for Paul's trip to Jerusalem, and the knowledge that he will face suffering. He encourages his listeners to keep watch over the flock and over themselves. The gospel is the answer so be faithful to it. Passage is Acts 20:18-35


Reid traces God's mission throughout the Old Testament. He then provides a more detailed breakdown of Acts, in comparison to the culture of the Old Testament. Reid explains what Paul means to be in Corinth as a 'master-builder' when sharing the gospel. He explores the corporate nature of ministry., Cassette label reads : "lunchtime study Reid 3 ACTS Mission"


Reid looks at the power of the Holy Spirit throughout Acts, including to witness, to do miracles, signs and wonders, and that all of these are from Jesus. He looks at differences between the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testament., Cassette label reads : "HS in Acts I" Label adds : "J. Reid Their mission Their power"


Reid explores the themes of power and suffering in Acts, and that the two are interwoven. He shows that these are also interwoven in Christ, and thus should be interwoven in our lives as well., Cassette label reads : "HS in Acts II" Sound is distorted.


Reid explores the theme of mission throughout the Old Testament for context and the Jerusaleum orientation. He then shows how this orientation is reversed in the preaching of the gospel, by detailing the work of Paul. This includes modelling and teaching the word. Reid uses the Philippians and Ephesians as examples., Cassette label reads : "HS in Acts I" Label adds : "J. Reid Their mission Their power" White noise throughout.


Reid explores the person of Jesus from the book of Acts. He expounds Peter's speech in chapters 2 and 3. He shows that Jesus is present with his people, to communicate, heal and encourage. Reid argues that some of this is possible because of the work of the Holy Spirit., Cassette label reads : "HS in Acts II"


Speaker looks at Acts 17 and Paul's work at gospel proclamation. He explores the role of the Old Testament as Paul's key tool in gospeling. Speaker then looks at arrests that the believers in Thessolonica faced from Jews. Speaker explores the actions of Paul and Silas in Berea, showing that they use the same techniques as Thessalonica. He highlights that the Bereans are eager, that Paul goes to the Synagogue daily, and the number of converts. The speaker then suggests some ways that his listeners can be like the Bereans.


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