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The City in the Bible Isaiah 47, C 230 BAR


Bolt speaks on the great hope brought by Jesus in Acts 8:26-40. He explores how this was a great drama for the Ancient world. 1. The drama beginning - God is the director, the Ethiopian and Phillip are the characters. 2. The drama preceding - the Ethiopian does not understand Isaiah, what if he had read another part of Isaiah? 3. The drama coming to a climax - God has made a way for the unclean to be made clean.


Orr reminds his audience that Paul's goal is that his readers might have the character of Christ formed in them. He compares Galatians 5:22-26 to Isaiah 32. He explores the character of the characteristics of the Lord Jesus, and thus characteristics that we should be displaying., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


Orr looks at the defeat of death and reactions to death from Isaiah and John. He explores the reactions of both singing and feasting.


Orr speaks on Isaiah 24. He shows that everyone will be caught up in God's judgement, and the response of God's people., Delivered between the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.


Woodhouse speaks on Isaiah 11:1-9, exploring the imagery of a peaceful creation, of a restored creation. Revelation 13:1-10


Special celebratory service to celebrate 100 years of the Deaconess Institute. 'Tell out my Soul' is sung. Bible readings are from Isaiah 43 and Mark 2:18ff. Robinson speaks on God being with us from the Isaiah reading. He shows that this reality for us is in Jesus. He stresses that our response is to serve him, and that this applies to all Christians. We serve both Christ and each other. Robinson speaks on the history of female deacons. He then looks at our role and purpose as servants., Cassette label reads : "7.7.91 10:30am 100 years of ministry by the Deaconess institution Archbishop Donald Robinson"


Chapman expounds Isaiah 1:10-20. He shows that religious practice can continue even when God does not accept it. Chapman shows that it is more important to be obedient than to show religious observance. Chapman stresses that we can not pretend to be God, and sin makes compete with each other for glory. When we acknowledge that we are not God, we can then serve one another. Originally delivered 1994-05-17


Chapman explores the hymn of response to salvation in Isaiah 12 : 1-6. He looks at our response : 1. Individually 2. Corporately Originally delivered 1994-05-24


Chapman explores Isaiah's prophesy relating to both the exile and the restoration. He explores the terms 'shepherd' and 'messiah' when applied to Cyrus. Chapman compares this to the coming of Jesus, which will ultimately take us to the new creation. Chapman explains that God can use any of us, and uses Isaiah as an example. He shows that we need Jesus, even though he does not need us. Chapman explores the increasing prophesy of a Suffering Servant, and that this is fulfilled in Jesus. 2002 Katoomba Easter Convention

2002-04-01 2004-04-30

O'Brien summarises earlier talks. O'Brien shows that the new priesthood is superior because of the new priest - Jesus. He looks at the characteristics of Jesus that enable him to be our High Priest. O'Brien compares this to the Levitical High Priests. O'Brien examines the prophesies in Isaiah about the Servant of the Lord, and how these are fulfilled in Jesus. He looks at the effect of the death of the Servant of the Lord, and that this is far superior to anything else. Chapel talk Originally delivered 2003-07-24


Stewart explores how God came down to deal with suffering in the world. He looks particularly at the blessing Jacob gives to Judah and how this points to Jesus. He then looks at the promises from both 2 Samuel and Isaiah in relation to Jesus. Stewart then contrasts the Messianic promises to the Servant songs., Cassette insert reads : "AFES 7/88 Alan Stewart The God who speakes The Coming King and the Servant"


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