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1 John 3:5 'And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.' Theme: Strength from the mortification of Sin. Discusses St John's Appeal and addresses it to various character types, especially those of desponding means. 12pp., complete., watermark 1809

Thow speaks on Nehemiah 9:1-37 and 1 John 1-2:2., Cassette label reads : "169401 Lyn Thow Neh 9:1-37; 1 Jn 1:1-2:2:2 Dial 000. Four conversations with God - part 2 Dickson PM 19/6/94"


Jarrett looks at the sending of the Holy Spirit to live in us and give him access to us and us access to him. Jarrett addresses some key questions : 1. Does it matter how we live? 2. Is there any forgiveness for sin? 3. Transformation in coming to Christ, Cassette label reads : "Master Copy talk 3 - 1996 'A holy liaison'", Holy Liaison, a


Jarrett looks at what centres a Christian, what our life-point is and allows us to address our fears. She explores why Jesus is a reliable centre-point, looking at the truth of the gospel., Cassette label reads : "Master Copy talks 1 and 2 - 1996 'A holy liaison'" Cassette label suggests that there are 2 files but there is only one., Holy Liaison, a


Sermon given at College Chapel. Cameron explores how God makes a serious effort to connect with us, but that there are those who try to lead us astray. He shows the importance of teaching as a way of annointing from God. Andrew explains that we now have the same closeness with God as Jesus. He looks at 1 John 2:24-3:10


Sermon given at Tuesday Chapel. Cameron speaks on 1 John 5:13-21. He disputes the concept of mortal sin, ans speaks against idols. Cameron speaks on what it means to give God your heart.


Sermon given at Tuesday Chapel Cameron speaks on 1 John 5:5-12. Cameron looks at the importance of God's testimony from Jesus.


Jensen looks at what the 1 John teaches about the devil. 1. How was the victory over the evil one achieve? 2. How is his victory experienced in the present?


Stott speaks on the last phrase of the Apostle's Creed. He supports his talk from 1 John 5:11-13. Stott speaks on the importance of eternal life, and what eternal life means., "The creed J.R.W. Stott 9", All Souls Church, London


Stott speaks on fellowship from 1 John 1. 1. What is it? a) the Fatherhood of God b) salvation of Christ c) indwelling of the Spirit 2. Church and fellowship 4. How do you love one another within the church?, Reel label reads : "VII 2 The church's worship and fellowship" Reel box label reads : "The church's worship and fellowship"


Recording includes songs from the conference. Watson uses care and love interchangably as per John 8. He argues that in this world, no-one cares, and that God cares. Watson shows that because God loves us we are bound to love one another. He explores examples of God caring., Reel box reads : "S. School '73 - Tape 1 A : "who" - very Rev P Newall B : who cares? - Canon P Watson"


Exergesis of 1 John 5. Believers are being assured that they have eternal life. Salier provides a detailed study of 1 John 5:6 and 1 John 5:16. The talk is followed by question and answer.

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

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