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Jensen looks at what the 1 John teaches about the devil. 1. How was the victory over the evil one achieve? 2. How is his victory experienced in the present?


Exergesis of 1 John 5. Believers are being assured that they have eternal life. Salier provides a detailed study of 1 John 5:6 and 1 John 5:16. The talk is followed by question and answer.

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Exergesis of 1 John 3. Includes the Bible reading. Salier explores what it means to be a child of God and links this to love. We are children of God by God's initative and power. It is an expression of his love that we are his children. Becoming God's child initiates our process of growth into the likeness of Christ. Extended Question and Answer session at the end., Static throughout

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Salier answers questions from previous talks. He then ties together 1, 2 and 3 John by selecting specific passages across the books. Salier makes comparisons in the texts of the 3 letters, including the use of language, the Christological centre and importance of doctrine, obedience in life and response to Christ are interterconnected, seemingly contractory things are placed side by side,

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Exergesis of 1 John 2. Discussion of the setting of the Last Days - days of opportunity but also days of danger. Salier explores this in relation to The Day of the Lord, Christ's second coming, and the Last Days. Discussion of the "world" in John's writing. Salier explains what John means by antichrist.

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Overview talk introducing a series on 1 John, 2 John and 3 John. Provides background to the books, such as authorship and audience. Salier discusses the language used across the 3 letters and Gospel of John, summarising the similarities and the differences. Some discussion around the dating of the texts. Sailer explorers why and when John wrote. Summarises early versions of the Gnostic Gospels. Salier explores the structure of the texts. Following the lecture is an interview with an unidentified speaker about the Gospel of John., White, crackly sound in the background.

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Exergesis of 1 John 4-5. Salier gives a summary of the previous talks in the series. Testing spirits, such as testing other teachings or teachers, and being discerning. Comparing the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Falsehoods using langauge such as antichrists and false prophets. Sailer discusses the relationship between the church and the world, before explaining the use of pronouns within 1 John. In the section section the topic of love is resumed, now in relation to Christ's love for us.

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Exergesis of 1 John 1-2. Salier explains the two parts of knowledge - knowledge of God and knowledge of ourselves. He also explorers our union in Christ or being "in him". Salier explains John's use of Greek between male lanaguage and neutral language for when John is discussing Jesus the person and the message. Some discussion of confession. Salier regularly makes comparisons between John's letters and the Gospel of John. Question and Answer session at the end., Some distortion throughout.

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Sermon given at College Chapel. Cameron explores how God makes a serious effort to connect with us, but that there are those who try to lead us astray. He shows the importance of teaching as a way of annointing from God. Andrew explains that we now have the same closeness with God as Jesus. He looks at 1 John 2:24-3:10


Thompson speaks on the topic of love as a response to grace from 1 John 4. 1. Our love and the character of God 2. Our love and the cross of God 3. Our love and the children of God


Thow speaks on Nehemiah 9:1-37 and 1 John 1-2:2., Cassette label reads : "169401 Lyn Thow Neh 9:1-37; 1 Jn 1:1-2:2:2 Dial 000. Four conversations with God - part 2 Dickson PM 19/6/94"


1 John 3:5 'And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.' Theme: Strength from the mortification of Sin. Discusses St John's Appeal and addresses it to various character types, especially those of desponding means. 12pp., complete., watermark 1809

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